
I think it was about the oxygen tanks, though, and whether the Governor would do something selfless. We didn't care if he died (in fact, he deserves it), but we wanted him to get the oxygen back to the girls and the dad.
I thought it was pretty remarkable (and by that I mean unlikely) that he couldn't take on the

I've never been particularly attracted to David Morrissey, but he kind of did it for me in this episode. Still, I wouldn't have hooked up with him in the food truck, with my sis and daughter right there.

I read "Rise of the Governor," a book I found completely unsatisfying, and had no possibility of matching up with the tv show. I did think there was a Brian character in it, though, and assumed that was why the Gov referred to himself as Brian during the episode. But then on Talking Dead, David Morrissey said the name

I am thinking that the girls find out, from Martinez and Bowman, what the Governor has done. Then one way or another, they decide to part ways with him. The Governor realizes the girls might be better off at the prison. Or something.
But having the Governor standing outside the prison for a somewhat benevolent reason

I think if you click on The Walking Dead title by a review, you are taken to a list of that season's reviews.

Are you from Woodbury? :(

I wondered that, too. I figured it was so they could have the dramatic kill, but I wish the show would do both sometimes. As in, of course we want to see the zombie dad almost bite the daughter, and the Governor step in to kill the walker. But it seems certain that the Governor, once he became chatty again, would say,

When did Tara as a lesbian come up? (Edit: From Stray Observations in the review above.) Too bad there's no Willow. Bad ass evil witch Willow would be awesome against zombies.

Dexter, the Brawny Lumberjack. I couldn't help but do a inner snicker when Governor Lumberjack appeared.

This movie was disturbing, but kind of in a good way. Can't really put my finger on the type of creepy: not pervy or torture creepy (thank goodness); more like horror movie/extreme, extreme Twilight Zone creepy. Still, I wouldn't want to watch it again. Even though I didn't really *like* it, I felt like I could still

Likewise. And when the prof told us that Part II of the play was unstageable, I lost interest…

Has anyone else seen the Czech version that came out about ten years ago (edit: 1994)? A middle-aged man is lured into a weird theater-type place by a man on the street who hands him a map… at some point, life-sized puppets come running out into traffic.
EDIT, here we are: http://www.imdb.com/title/t…
from cover…

We hate Heather, right? It isn't just me?

Here, here! I love me some David Copperfield. And actually, GE isn't all that short, though I suppose it is compared with others by Dickens. I do think it's one of those books, like Pride and Prejudice and certainly David Copperfield, that can't be done well in two hours. That is probably the biggest mistake in the

o no you di'nt! (redux)

o no you di'nt!

I adored that version of Jane Eyre! That's another novel that gets made into a movie over and over again, and most of the versions fall short. My mom's fave version of GE (she taught the book for ten years as a high school English teacher) is the one where Anthony Hopkins plays Magwitch. For me, ever since Silence of

well-spotted! funny, too, how sometimes the same British actors simply keep getting used over and over.

re: The Talking Dead. I am a fan. Chris Hardwicke does a good job.
But I'm not sure what's up with the, "And now! For your favorite part! Zombie kill of the week!" as if it's sponsored by Coca-Cola. It would be my least favorite part, and I feel a bit disgusted that AMC would assume that people just watch the show to

To me, Carl was just sort of there in the background for Season 1, you wanted to smack him around in Season 2 (also, his parents for letting him run amok), and then feel bad about him last season for being such a dick to his parents, but I like him this season. I think the actor who plays him is darn good. Yay Team