
The actress resembles Emma Watson so much that I half expect her to start telling Ron to shut up.

I did notice that, too. She's the only one who started coughing and wasn't vomiting blood a few hours later.

I wonder if Tyreese will get his Nice back, and when he finds out Carol has been exiled, he insists on going to find her, just out of humanitarian reasons. It would be an interesting twist.

It would have been hard for me to not just shake her by the shoulders and yell at her for being such a dumbass, after seeing her more or less playing with a zombie.
Do we know if she was at Woodbury? Could she have hung out with Milton too much, listening to the, "a zombie never forgets" nonsense?

It seems like, based on the virus corpses, there were maybe 15 to 20 people at least who previously could have been killing fence zombies? I think the most they showed killing at once was six, maybe? Why they wouldn't go all out is beyond me.

re: the hallway at the prison where Rick kept meeting up with Carl —
Did anyone else feel a compulsive urge to gather up all of those papers that were strewn about on the floor, just to tidy things up a bit? Just because the world's gone to hell doesn't mean you have to, you know, let things go to hell.

It's tricky though, isn't it? Stupidity is what drives a lot of the action (the Mythbusters guy, during the Talking Dead, pointed out that digging a huge trench in between the two chain link fences - since zombies aren't good at climbing - would have been a good idea). It still seems possible that they could be super

It's pretty much been that way the whole ride, though. (Watching Season 1 now.)

Why, yes.

Is this video, he looks how I would picture the grown-up version of that little blond kid they tacked on at the end of the Brady Bunch (mini-John Denver: floppy blond hair and glasses). PS: Never seen this before. Thanks for posting. :)

Is there a "replacement" Pierce yet? You know, they could probably just have someone else step in and play that character, and it wouldn't really make much difference (imho). Alternatively, they could have Abed do a casting call for, "Racist Older White Male."

Oh, crap! Penny's dad! That's right!

I am a big fan of Mindy Kaling, but I do find a lot of fault with this show. She's hilarious and there are some classic lines, but I agree with you that there are a lot of weak spots. And people I've talked to feel similarly: that they also love Mindy, but that this is simply not that great of a show. Certain episodes

Not at all familiar with Alan Dale's name — but his face looked familiar. I actually saw him and thought, rather increduously, "Wow! They got Malcolm McDowell for the Mindy Project!?"

I get what you're saying. I also wondered how Carl became Obedient Son again. What happened? What made him gain respect for his dad, despite the fact that his dad had to more or less go on sabbatical due to mental health reasons (not that there's anything wrong with that, especially in a Zombie Apocalypse).

It would be funny to watch an interview with an ER staffer and ask if they ever actually notice about clean vs. dirty underwear and whether or not they judge the wearers (or their mothers) accordingly.

re: The Talking Dead. Although he asked a good question, it was grating to see a guy from Comic Book Men get to come up and ask an "audience" question. (Especially since it would be a once-in-a-lifetime thing for a normal person.) AMC, you can beg people to watch that show, and do a defacto commercial for it on one

This was the first time I've watched an episode and realized that the show would completely survive without Rick. He used to seem indispensable.

Was anyone else hoping against hope that those two hippie-types Carol and Rick met in the house would survive? They were the only potential new group members that I actually wished would stick around. They could have brought some much-welcome (albeit misplaced) optimism to the jail. I could just picture it — the

I don't know. It's when shows do surprising stuff like that that things get interesting. I would only give it an "F" if Rick had shot Carol. But I am positive that she will be reunited with the group again, probably soon. I suppose it's also possible that half of the group leaves and starts another group with Carol.