
I'm sure Merle would have had a choice comment about that quartet. I miss him! I mean, he was totally offensive, but also brought a bit of comic relief.

You can plant tomatoes from the seeds, but you're absolutely right: taking the whole plant would have been a good move. Rick the Farmer my a**.

Yes! Getting the pump going again was key. She risked her life to help the group. That says something.

It made me think that someone was still alive in there. I am not sure what the point of showing all of that was — although maybe that's where Bob got the booze?

I was trying to think of the characters who would absolutely be on board with what Carol did with the sick people. I'm thinking Shane, Andrea… possibly others. It was interesting to reflect that as pragmatic as those two tended to be (for Andrea, this was at least true pre-Governor), maybe the whole

One answer to people having to know who burned the bodies is that once Tyreese gets back tot he prison, he's going to be obsessed with finding out who put down his bff and what's-his-name. Rick promised to take care of it, and he would have to either tell the truth about Carol, or pin the thing on someone else. On

I have often thought about how in a ZA I would just miss coffee so much. And how if I had found some bottles of (heaven help me) Folger's Crystals, I would have been loathe to let go of the bag.

I remember watching this and finding it, of course, fascinating. I do remember, however, the filmmaker indulged in a little, "nudge, nudge, wink wink" that I thought was in poor taste: there was one survivor who I guess was pretty open about the cannibalism aspect and of course his reputation suffered for it. And

I was just nostalgic for the character. I would have rather had her just move away or something than actually die. It also added to the "Buffy can never have a happy life" thing. Also, I guess I'm used to people leaving the a series because they get a different job or are sick of it or whatever. The fact that Joss

I love that scene so much.

Also, his hairstyle. It was just so awful. Looks better in the VM movie, at least.

^THAT. Also, Schmidt is too skinny somehow. Leo isn't in the VM movie, is he?

Is that a Being Human UK reference?

But even that was after he was a professor. (By the way, that whole thing in what…Book 6? Where Tonks' patronus changed because she was so broken up about Lupin trying to say, oh, no, no, don't be with an old dude like me, was annoying.)

Although Hagrid and the French headmistress did have a thang.
Also, Gilderoy Lockhart with himself. Shit, though. That also started early.

I think the Dumbledore/Grindelwald thing also occurred in their teen years! I guess everyone met as teenagers, though, because there's no Harry Potter college (even though the professors all automatically have Phds).

Could also do a thread derail for the HP epilogue. When I watch HP 7, Pt. 2, for instance, I stop before they do that part.

In service of completely derailing this VM thread (too late), has anyone watched the new series with Robin Willams and Sarah M. Gellar? It just looked too awful for me to try. I don't think SMG is too good with comedy. But with being a badass? Why, yes. She could go on the Walking Dead. Beaver did (see how I

Too bad there wasn't a Spike spin-off… after Buffy was over, I mean. They could have rebooted him, sort of, to where he was before the series finale of Buffy. Or not rebooted it - and just had him get back to his non-Casper status with a ring or a spell or whatever. Calling Willow…

was it ever made clear why Joyce had to get killed off? things got so weird when Willow and Tara moved in and were sleeping in the master bedroom. it's like there was this Golden Age when Joyce knew about the Buffy as Superhero role and was getting used to it, and then… she's dead. And don't even get me started on