
Hey, is it still true happiness if Angel has to do a face palm that he didn't buy some emergency back-up viagra? The dude's old.

Did anyone say Drusilla and Spike? Or Spike and a whiskey bottle?

I love me some Logan — but the truth is, if he ever got tame enough to settle down with, he wouldn't be very appealing. He's kind of a fantasy. Wait, my effed-up love life is suddenly starting to make sense.

I agree 100% with the not-knowing-is-scarier. For a while I was really into Stephen King, and I remember reading the book IT. The concept of an "IT" was terrifying! But then once you "see" the thing in its real physical form, it's simply not scary anymore. Almost like a Wizard of Oz letdown.

I am guessing that there is plenty of Advantage left at Petco, et al. Dab a little between Daryl's shoulder blades and it's done. A girl really can have it all…

I think the issue is the gas usage.

Just wanted to thank A.A. Dowd for putting this article together. I know there will inevitably be some, "WTF!?" responses, but nevertheless articles like this are one of the reasons I return to the AV Club. You may disagree with Dowd's conclusions, but the author seemed to give all of the Halloween films the benefit

It has to be true that the people who come on The Daily Show and make such asses of themselves never bothered to watch the show before agreeing to an interview. And thank goodness for that! It's kind of cathartic to watch someone who is smart and funny take down someone who is ignorant and racist.

I am against the voter i.d. laws, certainly. But when I was in college, everyone needed to have a student i.d. card. Wouldn't that count as a valid photo i.d.?

I get you. It's just that a little bit of JB goes a long way. I do like him, though.

I must be really out of it. I knew that Chevy Chase had threatened to leave — but I didn't know he was actually gone. And now Troy is leaving? None of this bodes well for the show.
re: guest stars — I love when guest stars appear in a way that shows that a random actor could have been cast, but the show got lucky

The interesting thing that happened with him last year was that conflict he had with the one guy who was jealous that his wife looked at Tyreese as a protector. That was kind of a throwaway (albeit minor) plot point, strangely.

I do hope Sasha (somehow) survives. I'd say she's #2 female badass to Michonne, with Michonne arguably being the #1 Alpha badass in the group, male or female.

Many thanks to all who posted about The Talking Dead and how bad it was this week — you just gave me 44 minutes of my life back. Which I used to post shit on this site.

In the trailer for Season 4 that they apparently showed at Comic-Con and I saw online, I swear there were a few things that indicated that the Governor had made his presence known. But I do think we can depend on him coming back.

I don't know — the fact that a kid or even two most likely wouldn't be able to move the bodies won't necessarily mean it won't "happen" on the show. This show doesn't always use logic. Example: Michonne magically going in and out of the bar during "Clear" to get the photo AND the future White Elephant gift. However,

Edit: Lori. It was Lori being incredibly stupid and taking it upon herself to go get Rick back, who was going to get Herschel back, and leaving without telling anyone. Geez, it was hard to believe anyone would really do that.

I assumed her rationale was that without water, everyone would die anyway. So even if she got attacked by the zombies while fixing the pump, it would be worth it to give people water. But yes, she was also being dumb.

I thought somehow he was realizing he was sick*, which I assume gives you a fever — and this made him confused and indecisive about getting out of the car and also a bit ambivalent about trying to survive, when the virus is a death sentence at this point.

It would have been an effective, efficient scene if, in order to stop the fight at the beginning of the episode between Tyreese and Rick, Carol simply said, "I did it."