
It's rape in the books, but there's still several really important distinctions.

In spite of him listening to Wale, this article actually made me respect his philosophy/approach way more than I was expecting to.

I actually would really like it if Scott Tobias kept reviewing it. While I have generally enjoyed the show a full letter grade above what Tobias grants, I find his reviews remarkably pragmatic and clear-minded in their approach. I've never once found him unwilling to enjoy the show (at least not for superficial

I actually would really like it if Scott Tobias kept reviewing it. While I have generally enjoyed the show a full letter grade above what Tobias grants, I find his reviews remarkably pragmatic and clear-minded in their approach. I've never once found him unwilling to enjoy the show (at least not for superficial

I give this episode and this season an A+. One of the smartest, most consistently funny/moving seasons of comedy I think I've ever seen, and right now I'm doing a Simpsons rewatch so that's saying something.

Shoshanna is adorable. That's all.

Loved Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow as a kid. Never got around to the sequels for whatever reason. I recently had to read Seventh Son for class and absolutely hated it. I'm legitimately surprised that people in the comments claim that the series started strong and went downhill - I really thought it

Angelo "I had crabs :c?" Nah.

I watch the show for the cooking and the excitement of having favorite chefs to root for, and in those terms, this is actually one of the better seasons, if the most frustrating one for me.

Really? You preferred Jamie, Darryl, Chris, and Derek to Andrea?

Bleach was one of my first series. I was 14 when I started and the first 70 episodes were pretty much the best thing for an angsty nerdy internet hound. I still hold them highly in memory. Everything after those 70 episodes, including whatever the corresponding number is in the manga, is absolutely dreadful though. I

Am I the only one at least enjoying the season's chefs? I'd say this is the worst season by a good stretch in terms of challenges and the show production itself (7 was pretty bad too), but I really wanted to love it because of the diversity and coolness of some of the chefs. Grayson is adorable. Ed is so badass,

I think The Painted Lady is the worst episode of the whole series. The Great Divide and Avatar Day were just stupid and insipid - The Painted Lady is stupid, insipid, condescending, and morally insulting. Go ahead writers. Tell kids that true heroes deal with environmental damage by BOMBING THE CULPRIT. Never mind

I'm not sure if this has been really addressed yet, but one crucial factor in me hating this episode is how they handled the location along with the ridiculousness of the challenges. I'm from BC and fully believe that Vancouver is one of the best culinary cities in North America - the enthusiasm we have for our food

Top Chef Canada WAS awesome. I actually enjoyed it more than many seasons of the main show. Great blend of hilariously bad chefs (Jamie, who tried to serve a wad of rolled up flank steak with whole asparagus skewers as a cocktail hors d'ouerve, then lied to the judges in saying that his partner didn't give him enough

To clarify - this is still a good review of the game, made me jittery to play it. My girlfriend nearly broke up with me from the nerd stench that blossomed while I read it. I just disagree with the sentiment that every post OOT zelda is just OOT but not as good.

I think Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, AND Link to the Past are all better than OOT. I'm not really sure why this reviewer states that every zelda since OOT has been a retread, when really only Twilight Princess resembles it, and when OOT is essentially a 3D retread of Link to the Past.

I actually didn't care for this episode much at all, which bums me out, because I loved the previous two Halloween episodes and I think this season has been fairly consistent thus far.