Crom Deluise

The Menacing-But-Not-Really-Too-Scary-Six.

Seconds for the Scorpion, just so that he can spent the entirety of the movie wearing an avocado-green balaclava over his face. 

He could play Fabian Stankowicz.

Well, Street Trash has two hobos playing keep-away with a severed penis.  Also, a guy who flushes himself down the toilet. 

If it doesn't have an elf with a gun, it's not a Defenders movie.

Issue citation? 

Alpha Flight has had tons of great characters over its history, although the most recent miniseries was underwhelming.

Or, to put it in line with properties that have similar levels of public recognition: a gun-toting raccoon, an animate, angry tree, a star-traveling human-alien half-breed, and a dude who is green whether or not he's angry.  

It's like printing Confederate money!

Phase VII:  Kickers Inc., Rom, Freedom Ring, Puck.

I was hoping for Steve Buscemi.

And the time it took to apply his green mascara. 

Yes, but so many of the rogues wouldn't play well on TV or wouldn't fit in with the more realistic "science, but not magic" milieu that they are using.  I don't really see a place for Monsieur Mallah or Plasmus, for example.

Alas, both in this episode and the Deadshot one, there was no "we didn't find a body" scene.

Now you have me feeling sorry for her. 

I think he was fully aware of it.  He was speaking for both of them when he made his speech about (paraphrasing here) making the good choice, not the heartfelt one.

Yes, I remember the guy who worked at John Elway's restaurant definitely said he one of his goals was keeping sober.  I didn't hear anything from Josh.  Don't recall if I've seen him with a beer in the stew room or not.

There's plenty of room for interpretation (secret blend of herbs and spices) and the result depends a great deal upon skill and execution.  I thought it was actually a pretty good challenge.

Stefan is also over it.  He's in it to win, but he's not at all cowed by the judges.  I think that as much as anything gets Padma in a lather.  There was a lot of that in the All Star season too.

You've just given Andy Cohen an idea for a new show.