Crom Deluise

Propst has said that he likes having returning players and that they'll be happening for awhile.  I guess it's an easy way to add some story to the first few episodes of a new season, since the returnees are known quantities and viewers already have a picture of what to expect.  I don't think that's necessarily valid,

At this point, Denise can tell herself that everyone who has made it this far is noble and deserving, and thus justify to herself voting out whoever she wants. 

At this point, Denise can tell herself that everyone who has made it this far is noble and deserving, and thus justify to herself voting out whoever she wants. 

Agree. If Malcolm wins immunity, Malcolm wins the million.  If Denise wins immunity, Denise wins the million.  If Lisa or Skupin wins immunity, whoever they bring with them wins immunity.

Agree. If Malcolm wins immunity, Malcolm wins the million.  If Denise wins immunity, Denise wins the million.  If Lisa or Skupin wins immunity, whoever they bring with them wins immunity.

Predator 2 is great—one sweaty, grunty chase scene of a movie. 

Predator 2 is great—one sweaty, grunty chase scene of a movie. 

Maybe if they asked everyone to scoot over a bit there'd be a little more room. 

Maybe if they asked everyone to scoot over a bit there'd be a little more room. 

The art of making trailers has definitely improved from the 70s, when many a trailer featured a grim voiceover repeating the tagline over and over.

The art of making trailers has definitely improved from the 70s, when many a trailer featured a grim voiceover repeating the tagline over and over.

Tragic Kingdom?

Tragic Kingdom?

Twiki did a nude scene?   

Twiki did a nude scene?   

"If you can't breathe, you can't scream"

"If you can't breathe, you can't scream"

They're on a smission from God? 

They're on a smission from God? 

Well, "Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid" had already been taken.