
I Put Born This Way on Shuffle
and Electric Chapel played played right after Edge of Glory and it was fucking great.

I've been enjoying the shit out of this album. I was concerned about whether or not I'd like it because I kinda of hated most of The Fame, but I was I couldn't be more pleased with this release. I think it's the Bonnie Tyler melodrama of the whole thing that attracts me. It some fun, fun silliness.

Thanks for the link! This season's Dan-Blair storyline has been surprisingly sweet. The two of them watching Rosemary's Baby together over the phone was just about the cutest thing ever.

No One Will See This
I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm absolutely loving this season.

Colfer is cute as a button, but I have a pretty major TV crush of Darren Criss right now, but I'm pretty sure that will crumble as soon as he grows his hair out again. Why on earth would a boy with a face like that hide it behind such hideously floofy hair?

I really enjoyed this episode, but I openly admit to having bad taste. This show fails regularly in many regards, but it always seems to fail in ways that I find incredibly entertaining.

Irrelevant to this episode, but
I've decided that the Mountain Goats tribute episode of Glee that needs to happen is going to be the series finale, and it's going to end with a Will and Terry murder/suicide.
And, why the hell not, let's title the episode, "Tallahassee."

Your One Chance
That was your one chance, Fancy, but you let me down. :(

This Proves It
Laura's grandma needs to be on the next season of Project Runway.

I haven't had this much fun
since Cher sang Half Breed.