

Um, I think Kazaam does….

Um, I think Kazaam does….

Nick Swardson is extremely weak. But he's on the Sandler payroll, so we'll be stuck seeing him a couple times a year overacting in some shit sandwich that Sandler will concoct. He's like Jonah Hill, but not morbidly obese. Just morbidly unfunny

Painful to watch this episode
I give this show the benefit of the doubt because there have been a lot of funny moments.But this is my least favorite episode, even worse than the one with the fake movie about Ted and Stella. There was no reason to bring back Jennifer Morrison's character, maybe in a couple weeks as a

I am running out of patience
Ted wasn't the most likable character to begin with. A self obsessed solipsistic jackass who is torturing his children with a long winded story about how he banged all of these women before meeting their mom. Are his children grounded? Is listening to these loooooooooong stories their