Vince the ShamWOW guy

I could hook you up, I have pretty much every Tyson fight on DVD. His first fight with Holyfield is actually really awesome, the last good boxing performance of his career, even in a loss.

As we ALL like to make it out to be, Sean? I've gone through my comment posts and I can't find any examples where I complain about your perceived dislike of SP. Even the slightly negative posts are mere differences of opinion. Frankly, I'm tired of all you AV Club writers trying to make me out to be the bad guy. Now

Lemur?? Wrong???? What is this, Wednesday?!?

Um, Major League. End of story.

I prefer picturing him getting punched by Nic Cage in a bear suit. I like Ellis, but picturing that makes me laugh.

Vice Versa is awesome because it was on HBO all the time when I was a kid and I've seen it a dozen times or more. Plus it has Judge Reinhold AND the good Savage. And some sort of magic lamp or something.

Are you saying Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?

How little money players used to make…
I'm glad you mentioned this point, Nabin, because it constantly pisses me off when idiots complain about how much players make today for hitting a ball with a bat, as if our society pays people based on the utility and importance of their job. I always point out how athletes used


I hope you all hate it so I can be a good HDB and champion it as underappreciated. Just don't go liking it or I'll have to hate it. Man, being a douchebag is fucking hard, I should just get a hooker instead…

What about Dewey Cox? The Walk Hard soundtrack holds up amazingly well, and some of the better songs didn't even make the movie.

Wes, Married… With Children has nothing to do with shitstains like this dreck. Feel free not to like Married… but it belongs in an entirely different genre than Surviving Suburbia.

My arts is crafty darts
Why you stuck on Laffy Taffy?
I been doing this before Nas dropped the Nasty

@The Internet is Rife with Errors - One "WTFudge" possibility is that, under a policy of "1 mistake and you fail," everyone failed out of journalism school, which led to panicky media outlets to hire anyone willing to do the job, and now the AP is stuck with half-assed journalists who learned nothing at journalism

My girlfriends always seem to unexpectedly turn "heel" on me, though if I was paying attention to the storylines I probably could have seen it coming…

So, does that mean she's single? Because I just got out of a brief, passionate relationship.

Yeah, I used to bug my Mom about her smoking all the time because of ads like this. Then I grew up and started smoking myself, not long before she quit. Then she proved how fucking cool she is by taking my side when my Dad lectures me and saying that I'll quit when I'm ready and the pressure doesn't help. Which it

Smoking may cause birth defects… found my brand! Was your uncle Bill Hicks, Frito?

John, thanks for saying it so I didn't have to. I'm in the process of quitting smoking now (and anyone who says it isn't a process doesn't understand addiction), and the only time I'm desperate to light up is when I hear non-smokers go on their self-righteous rants about smoking. Don't you fucks have anything better

Foxy Boxing! It combines my two favorite things: boxing and referees.