Yeah, I gave up after 2 minutes. *sad trombone*
Yeah, I gave up after 2 minutes. *sad trombone*
If they can talk him into it, Psy will be on their next album.
If they can talk him into it, Psy will be on their next album.
Yes, thank you, someone gets it.
Yes, thank you, someone gets it.
When did he turn into a nut bar?
When did he turn into a nut bar?
Much is now lost, for there are none left who remember it.
Much is now lost, for there are none left who remember it.
Yeah, what @avclub-36e4dbaad3926d14f1c7a7ebcdc4b811:disqus said. Have you noticed how small the names of the people and the thing they write for are under the quotes on those tv trailers? If you look very closely, you can just make out some radio station, or Web magazine you've probably never heard of.
Yeah, what @avclub-36e4dbaad3926d14f1c7a7ebcdc4b811:disqus said. Have you noticed how small the names of the people and the thing they write for are under the quotes on those tv trailers? If you look very closely, you can just make out some radio station, or Web magazine you've probably never heard of.
I assume recordings of this show will make it to the Internet in some form or another. I'd rather see it live, but plane tickets are kind of expensive.
I assume recordings of this show will make it to the Internet in some form or another. I'd rather see it live, but plane tickets are kind of expensive.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
I believe I'll have a Sam Jackson beer.
I believe I'll have a Sam Jackson beer.
It's my least favorite work of his, and it's been cancelled. You didn't really miss anything.
It's my least favorite work of his, and it's been cancelled. You didn't really miss anything.
Daredevil ain't too shabby, either.