
Yeah, I hate it when musicians think that their music is original and good. Why can't they just have low self-esteem like the rest of us?

Curse me, you're right. Well, Third Man is a no-less-worthy source of alcoholism, and this glass of Scotch lessens the sting.

In a Lonely Place gives Bogart his best character name ever — Dixon Steele — and one of my favourite self-descriptions, "I'm just a hack writer who drinks too much and falls in love with girls." That's half the reason I started drinking Scotch in the first place.

Moral relativism
I just love the fact that he's a government superspy who is entirely unfamiliar with and disgusted by the idea of plea bargaining. "Make a moral compromise in exchange for concrete results? The America I know would never do that!"

He was at the Junos (Canadian Grammys) two years ago, and he actually came across as a nice, funny guy when he came back to talk to the press. Most of the winners just mumbled a bit and went on their way, but he actually put in the effort to give good, entertaining answers. I'm still not gonna go out and buy his

Baxter: It's two-thirds of a really good Egoyan movie (thematically, if not structurally), even if it does go completely off the rails at the end. If you're a fan, you really should check it out.

Eh, it's gross, but not really offensively. Or at least no more offensive than your average R-rated comedy. I'd say, if the rest of the review seems good to you, go with that and ignore the last sentence.

That major character death
…was not only surprising, it was also totally necessary for the movie to work. For newcomers, it wasn't a big deal, but for long-time fans, it was the only way to add genuine tension to the movie's final battle. If ::that:: character could die, then there was a chance things weren't going to

I bought a copy of The Road with the Oprah sticker, and was happily surprised to see just how easily that sticker peeled off. So, there's always that.

Sigh… hasn't this been covered enough in other comments threads?
You know how when a musician makes a sprawling, eclectic double album, sometimes reviewers will say that "it's their White Album"? That doesn't mean the reviewer forgot the Beatles made the White Album, it's just a comparison that they're making. Mr.

The Shining?
Really? I'd have to strongly disagree with that one. It might've been akin to The Shining if the imagery in the dreams/nightmares hadn't been so on-the-nose, and if they'd allowed the story to retain any ambiguity. There are some remarkably effective moments, and tricks like the backwards cigarette smoke

Closer than the two sequels that already exist?

I think a lot of people (myself included) still feel burned by the X-Files, which is my go-to example for a series that couldn't follow through on its mythology. The monster-of-the-week stuff still holds up for me, but the aliens and the black oil (as opposed to…?) now just feel like gear-grinding. The fact

That douchebag — are you referring to Enrico Colantoni? AKA Keith Mars? Or the dude who knows how to kill a man with two tea bags and some wax paper in The Wrong Guy? Because if you are dissing Enrico Colantoni, you are a fool.

It is boring, but if you're entertained by terrible acting, it has plenty of that. It basically alternates between self-important monologues and bursts of gunfire without ever bothering to explain the plot beyond the "God's pissed, baby is important" basics that the trailer set up.

Am I eccentric?
Because eccentric, in the movie's case, means he listens to classic rock and wears jeans. Why, you'd hardly believe he's a scientist!

And then the end credits have the typical Chan outtakes montage, but it's mostly just him flubbing lines and not quite managing to pick up a chair properly. And Amber Valetta swearing a lot. Just sad.


"I'm stumped trying to figure what "information" could have been supplied that wasn't answers."

I guess expanding it to 1.5 characters is still an improvement…