Adam T

It was probably the moisture from your breath that made it work. And it DID WORK — I would use the blow as a last resort after several failed attempts and it often made the games work when reinserting didn't. Shame about the damage it caused to the cartridge.

If only he could develop a medical condition that left him unable to use a southern accent.

Bradbury Stories is actually a sequel of sorts to The Stories of Ray Bradbury from 1980, in that it has the same number of stories and none repeated from the earlier volume.

Another TV never-nude was Frank Fontana on Murphy Brown.

When doing a lightweight piece on Hershey's that might increase their sales, you might want to point out that The Hershey Company uses CHILD SLAVE LABOR. Not a joke or an exaggeration. Look into it.

When doing a lightweight piece on Hershey's that might increase their sales, you might want to point out that The Hershey Company uses CHILD SLAVE LABOR. Not a joke or an exaggeration. Look into it.

"You Say France & I Whistle" is named after one of Van Morrison's contractually obligated "songs" for Bang Records. It's on youtube.

That link isn't even close to being correct.

So, which of these does Big Mac Crop Upscale come from?

I thought this might be a reissue of Game Over: How Nintendo Zapped an American Industry, Captured Your Dollars, and Enslaved Your Children. Which has a better subtitle, you must admit.

How long until Eric S. Raymond gets a day job?

No Gay Witch Abortion? Or do you guys consider them last year?