
It's still a Murdoch joint
It's like how every Uwe Boll movie has a solid cast but is ultimately undone by the fact that it's still a Uwe Boll film.

Man, this is weird
I remember ranting endlessly about how much Blockbuster sucked back in the late 90's, and now I feel a little twinge of nostalgia. Although I think it's mostly for the disappearance of rental stores in general. Yeah, Netflix is better and blah blah blah, but I'll miss the serendipity of stuff like

This looks so astonishingly weird I have to see at least an episode of this, no matter how painfully awkward. It feels like Thomas Kinkade trying to make his own Matthew Barney film.

Definitely no. Somewhere out there, there's a deft way to get at the point he's trying to make, but the 21st chapter is unquestionably not it. It's only slightly less sudden than having Alex wake up and declare, "It was all a dream!"

Willie's been a horrible father!

I'd also put John C. McGinley on the list, simply because he's never, ever boring to watch. Just thinking of him decked out in a turtleneck and those ridiculous glasses in "On Deadly Ground" brings a smile to my face.

Awesomeness = Awesomeness
I'm so glad this might be a regular thing. This completely fits with one of my favorite aspects of AV Club features, which is that they're the kind of subjects you always get in conversations with friends about only, you know, more, like, insightful and stuff.

There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!
My God, people! It's like the brave men and women listed on the TekWars Memorial mean nothing!

Yeah, I saw this when it came out with incredibly low expectations, and was surprised that I didn't hate it. That being said, I didn't like it a whole lot, either. I think the ham-fisted opening narration torpedoed it for me. Once it was made clear there was going to be absolutely no ambiguity in the storyline, I

I feel so old.

El Mariachi
For me, the only interesting thing about El Mariachi has been how Rodriguez made it on the cheap. I'm happy it launched his career, but in this case I'd rather watch a "making of" documentary than the actual film any day of the week. Normally the fun of watching any Robert Rodriguez movie is the obvious

Worst timing ever
I picked the A&W version of this up not ten minutes ago at a 7-11 (the bottle said "quality"), fired up my newsreader, and saw this. Dammit! Post faster, people!