Silence Is Harder

Spoiler free newbie zone..
I like Don Draper's mystery past story so far, maybe just because it's a central thing I can hold onto while still exploring what the rest of the show is going to be about. Adam was such a sad character. I'm assuming this isn't the last we've seen of him? Don't tell me. The title stayed on

This is the reason I haven't watched Hannibal yet. I'm afraid I'll only really see 50% when I do. But some of these shots (the ones I didn't immediately scroll past) do look great.

I'm definitely planning to keep commenting while I still can, because it's going to be so quiet reading all the other (old) reviews.. on the other hand, it's at least safe to read those comment section. Because as you say, pretty much everyone in these classic reviews is already a fan and looks at the episodes in

Spoiler free newbie zone!


So Kristina met the woman from the debate and her daughter, who somehow, "thanks to her" got into a different school? How does that work? I can imagine her own school trying to help her more after her mother complained in public, but how does it help her to move to another school? In any case, I'm so glad Kristina

Yeah, it's awaiting moderation?

Ehmm.. can I start a newbie spoiler free thread? Here it is. Three episodes in, only vague ideas about where it's all going. As Todd notes in the review, there's a clear ddivide between workplace and home in this episode, I'm curious to see what the balance is going to be in the long run (but don't tell me). I'd


Yeah, I do that too! For Homeland S2 I copy-pasted links ("blindly") to all 12 reviews in a text document to avoid spoilers.

Oh Sydney. "Is that why you and dad have been fighting so much?" made me cry.

Yeah, that last scene is great. Also the way that Tami (in an earlier scene) doesn't have to say anything and Coach already understands what's happened.

I just want to thank everyone on here for the hype around Orphan Black. I've finally watched the first season in about 2 weeks. Don't usually watch a lot of sci-fi, but this was awesome. Yes, Maslany definitely deserves an Emmy.

Speaking of Foreshadowing, Julia very specifically reassured Camille that she wouldn't need the suitcase..

Ha, I assume you also recognized him on Masters of Sex?

Loved this episode. Let's get this mayor thing over with already (I know the election's coming up soon).

Well.. that's a weird decision. I'm probably not going to stop watching it until next summer, and once I've watched (almost) everything, I don't think I'm still going to read all the reviews / it's not going to be as easy to participate in discussions. Oh well, not many people liked Sims' take on it anyway (I found it

Yeah, I just want to second this. I really enjoyed the Slings & Arrows and Freaks & Geeks reviews (and the interesting comments). It depends on your definition of "time well spent", I guess, but thanks for the classics so far, at least.

I was really looking forward to a good storyline about whether or not it would be morally right to involve Max in the campaign.. and then Kristina just decided on the spot that she could use his story as an example, Max wasn't even there and he never reacted to it in any way? That was disappointing.

Watching GG for the first time and also having just finished Freaks and Geeks, I got really confused when I saw Chauncey Leopardi in this. Thanks for pointing out he was on both shows.