Silence Is Harder

Lorelai's birthday was last week.. or maybe there's a big time jump that I don't know about?

The Adam-Drew-Crosby scene was classic Parenthood. So laid back. "If she doesn't love me for who I am, then what's the point, right?" -"Oh, no, that would be terrible advice!"

Sorry, did I miss this (as a first time viewer)? Did Lorelai give the full $75k back or just part of it? As I was watching it I assumed it was just a part of it, but thinking that it was the full amount makes me view the situation a little differently.

Was looking forward to it (because of songs like Lost in my Mind on their self-titled debut) and Shake is quite a fun song. But after hearing it in its entirety two times, I agree with the review that this lacks the energy of the first album.

Amber and Ryan scaring Drew's roommate made the episode for me. It was probably ridiculous but I was totally on board with Team Braverman again.

@ApathyMonger  They haven't said it - I don't know if you'd consider this a spoiler.. but episode 9 is called "Election Day".

Parenthood prediction: Kristina doesn't have nearly enough money for a decent campaign. Camille and Zeek sell the house to fund it. She loses, everyone goes crazy.

Oh, there's definitely an episode (or at least storyline) there! Now that you've described it I really hope they'll work that story out. As unrealistic as the whole election thing is, there are some interesting possible angles.

Yeah, you're right. I guess as a viewer I think it's soon, but yeah, they've been a couple for a longer while than we've seen.

Okay, so I'm really obsessed with this show (tumblr-fansite obsessed). I think it has gotten better with each season, but that also means that the bar is set higher every year. I really really hope this full season can maintain the quality of season 4. Amber and Ryan (planning on) getting married seems a bit.. soon?

I agree. I think it can be an interesting journey, and I get the urgency she feels to do something significant, but it wouldn't be realistic at all to let her win.

I didn't get a Parenthood notification for this?

Yay, the Bravermans are back! Really excited about this, and great to have Parks and Rec on the same night :)

Four, and I'll start following Treme when I'm caught up.

Oh, yes, it's Badger! Thanks for pointing that out.

Yes, but everything else gets better!

Yeah, same here, but that's not the AV Club's fault, but (in this case) NBC's. I don't see the point in not wanting to promote your product in other countries, but oh well. If you want to, you could still watch them using a site like hidemyass.com.

RORY: Hey.
RORY: I have to get to school.
JESS: Yeah, me too.
RORY: Bye.
JESS: Bye. Bye.
RORY: Bye.
RORY: Bye.
LUKE: Bye. (..) What the hell was that? 

I think this might be my favorite episode. Season 2 is easily my favorite season. Looking forward to seeing what you guys think of season 3..

If anyone else is this late to the show, you can watch a behind the scenes documentary (20 mins) about season 1 here: https://vimeo.com/60632216