
"My fucking wife has an ass in her cock over in the driveway, alright?
I'm sorry if my thoughts aren't with the photography of the film we're
shooting tomorrow, Kurt, OK"

So hey, why aren't you guys reviewing Check It Out With Dr Steve Brule's second season?

'I have spent the last hour preparing a candy bar line-up.'

'TWWWWWWIIIIIIIXXXXX!' is a great thing to yell out at moments of immense displeasure. I also say 'It's a Twix! They were all Twix! It was a set-up!' way more than is necessary.

I know a lot of people have made similar comments, but a review of Hard Luck Woman that doesn't make mention of 'Call Me, Call Me' (and everything that happened under it) just doesn't feel like a complete appraisal to me. It's like doing a comprehensive review of the entire series and leaving out the last two episodes

For what it's worth, 'The Slap' isn't bad. At least, the pilot isn't bad, I forgot to watch the rest of it.

Did anyone else get a huge laugh at Dr Spaceman in this one, or was watching this episode drunk just a really good idea on my part? I absolutely lost it on 
"It's funny; if those teeth were in your vagina, you'd be considered a monster."