
Casual racism, in 1957? Say it ain't so!

So… not only does Roland not look like the description in the book… it's not even the book. I am not looking forward to this. At all.

Next to last paragraph. Last sentence. It's BEAR, not BARE.
Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame….

There there, (pats her head) we cried and then spent $100 more on the games and movies.

Ok, this is a strange, seemingly never resolved Pet Peeve of mine. NO ONE EVER gives "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" the CORRECT, CANNON ENDING in any animation or film.

So…here's a show I watch asap when it comes on, even though I don't watch much TV. My friends love it. And it is ground breaking to have it on Netflix in one big chunk. You say it's dry and he's tired of doing it? If this is so, it's still pretty damn good.

I hate this song too. It makes the girl seem like a shrew just because she actually wants to know where she stands with a guy who's about to treat her like a fleshlight. Thanks, song, for helping with my low-self esteem as a teen and the idea that girls who bug you about emotions are just being annoying.

Yeah, I still have some issues from the 1980's. Still funny, still actually more shocking in many ways than humor now.

Wow. What a horrible, painful, embarrassing couple of decades for animation! I'm pretty sure every problem from the recession to current wars can be traced back to the brain-melting effect of these cartoons. : P…..

Ah-hem… Les Miserables was DIRECTED like an action film for some annoying reason. Loose that, Russell Crowe, and one or two mis-cast actors and you'd have a good film. The story is timeless, the songs are great and the story is a classic. If you're gonna pick on something, pick on the endless stream of action with no

DAMN, I was looking forward to that! It actually sounded creative and interesting, something that does not happen often in Hollywood anymore.

That was the best version so far, totally agree.


Hey Jon! My husband freakin' LOVES O.C. and Stiggs! He quotes from it. I think it's an interesting and quirky film. I had some National Lampoon's from the 1980's, the movie is taken from characters created there. I think if they had given Altman more of a free reign as a director, it would of been a classic.

I like American Graffiti best of all the films he's done.

No…. means he was a total unknown who did the film from a short he did for film school. Everyone always thinks of him as mainstream now, but back in the day, he had an original thought or two.

It's always a little joy for me to see that Mark Hamill, instead of doing some sort of cocaine-fueled nosedive after Star Wars ended just kept on and did cool stuff. : )

It's always a little joy for me to see that Mark Hamill, instead of doing some sort of cocaine-fueled nosedive after Star Wars ended just kept on and did cool stuff. : )

Sean Connery. That is all

Sean Connery. That is all