
I vaguely recall one of Roseanne's kids making reference to Bikini Kill in an episode.

I vaguely recall one of Roseanne's kids making reference to Bikini Kill in an episode.

Alien Lanes. Buy it now.

Alien Lanes. Buy it now.

I have a bootleg of their 1974 show in Memphis, their last tour until the late 80s, i think. 2 drummers (one being Jeff Porcaro), Mikey MacDonald, Denny Dias, Skunk Baxter singing "My Old School," and the unreleased "All Too Mobile Home." Awesome chops.

Man, that's a great live album, especially the electric set. It's the Dylan album that led me to buy his other stuff. The Dylan rec I listen to the most though, is Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Great background/work music.

"That's how it is, when you're born dead…Mista Bruiser Bro-day!" - Johnny Legend

when you're unsure, it's always best to yield to CB/Trucker slang from the 70s.

As a young burgeoning music snob in the early-mid 90s, I bought Das Damen's Jupiter Eye at the local used record store, thinking anything SST-related was untouchable. Needless to say I haven't listened to that Das Damen album in 12 years.

That was one of the best Behind the Music episodes. Highlights include the scene where DuBrow chugs a beer and lets it dribble out of his mouth and the Spinal Tap-esque review of Condition Critical: CONDITION TERMINAL!

YEAH! i was just listening to People Let Me Get This Off My Chest a couple days ago. Man, Paul Stanley sucks.

let's think about the baby victim in Anaconda -  Baby Bird. Poor, poor, Baby Bird.

I remember watching that Blind River Murders episode when I was in college 12 years ago. It's the only episode of UM that has stuck with me, particularly that creepy computer-generated image of the killer.