Red Herring

Or at least Thomas Lee?

Heh. Hard to argue with the concluding sentence. I haven't listed to "Lift", and it does sound obnoxious to deliberately avoid a song because it might be a hit. But OK Computer is such pure perfection that every decision Radiohead made for that album was the correct one.

In the year 2000, for the first time the President of the United States will be chosen by a computer. The winner? ADOLF DELANO HASSELHOFF

Frampton: "That's all right"

¡Discubren como conocer carnalmente a Natalie Dormer!

It should be forbidden to discuss Lady Gaga's alleged plagiarism of Madonna's "Express Yourself" without mention of the Staples.

And their last album sucked.

"Bob" by Primus.

I put my orange, four-inch, door hinge in Storage!