Thanks… ugh…
Thanks… ugh…
Though, to play devils advocate, now that Bill Cosby and Michael Jackson appear to have been serial sexual predators, I can't say I would be shocked if others were too.
What happens in it? Haven't read it…
Sorry - I was using the article writer's playbook!
The ones I know are anti affirmative action, anti diversity initiatives, and anti paid maternal (and paternal) leave.
It's amazing that black women haven't killed everyone out of justified rage.
You're ignoring the fact that they say fuck you to lots more people:
Um, I thought libertarians were the party of "fuck everyone but me"?
Also bingo. If this was just a criticism of Whedon that would be fair and well taken. This felt scorched earth.
If it's so obvious, why not name him? I have no idea what Kirkman considers elite, but CK isn't the only respected stand up.
Not in my experience.
An improv bit Kirkman made that went awry? There was nearly zero detail.
Cookie Monster read Whitman?
How fucked this thread is. Spiro Goddamned Agnew is the voice of reason. I hope Hell was a few degrees cooler today, you bastard.
That would be hugely troubling but the author gives total speculation. If the cast or crew of his shows supports that statement I'll agree with the concern. But I won't just go along just because.
I dunno. I'm not a Whedonverse fan. I like Cabin in the Woods and I'm not even sure how involved he is. I'm also anti MRA and I've done tons of feminist activism work, politically and in business.
Yeah, the author really doesn't acknowledge that women (and people of all genders and sexualities) often engage in illicit sex outside marriage. Sometimes when one is cheating. I'm not built like that but about 40% of us are.
So I get that. And if this is about hypocrisy, fine. But the solution to this can be smarter - call him out and demand he be better generally. He's a dude with power. Whether that's because of patriarchy or not is frustrating, but that can be leveraged. High horses don't get us far.
Sure. But can I be anti infidelity, pro feminist, and judgey but also acknowledge that partial credit is a thing? If we are ostracizing Whedon, what are we doing for the active misogynists? Building death camps? Cus that's a lot of fucking bodies.