
The people who voted him in. It's entirely possible (or likely) that Trump did not want to win much less run the country. But a bunch of morons ragevoted him in, thinking this would win. I said it on election night - the best thing that could happen is total catastrophe. We're in range . I don't expect his base to

Well, that infrastructure bill is some regressive horseshit. So, I think this could be an elaborate ruse to hide that ball.

Where has she been in all of this? I'm sorta shocked she hasn't had a massive career resurgence constantly mocking the shit out of him. Did she die or something?

The amazing thing is that he somehow thinks this is a good counter-terrorism strategy. NB - antagonizing and demeaning Muslims is NOT a good counter-terrorism strategy.

Is… is that real?

I'm FAIRLY confident that ZebedeeDooDah is doing that rhetorical thing called "sarcasm".

Ok, genuinely trying to understand your rules:
1. A majority can erect a monument to anyone they deem fit. (9/11 Hijackers? Gerry Sandusky? Shkreli?)
2. No subsequent majority can tear it down?

I thought it was about ethics in gaming journalism.

What if the people in the municipality want it torn down? Because, that's also happening a lot. Like in my fucking city. The majority wanted it down.

Here's what's hilarious about the rightwing of today. They think Communist Russia was horrible but Putin's Russia is fine. Yet, they don't realize that it's the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE IN CHARGE. It's almost like they're comically moronic.

Yup. This.

That explains battlefield memorials. It doesn't explain weirdo nonsense like Pennsylvania and California having Confederate war memorials.

Exactly. It's the PEOPLE who are letting Trump down!

As long as Jefferson Davis et al. are up, I'm down with John Brown and Nat Turner statues. I get your point, but if we're apparently unclear on whether slavery was bad, their angry visages might drive a point home.

So, I know you're kidding, but I've thought a lot about the "loser" narrative… and I think that the ACTUAL racist Southerners see it differently. They lost slavery, but they got to keep white supremacy for like 100 years. I think they think they won. And the sad part is, they kinda did.

Serious question - it seems like there are FAR more Civil War confederate memorials than there are memorials for every war except WWII. Doesn't that seem like it really gives away the game? Like… hmm… why is THAT war the one that got highlighted?

In 2015, I had this theory that Donald Trump was just Andy Kaufman in disguise. Then, he won and I said, no that's too crazy. Now, I'm returning to thinking I was right before…

Exactly. Jedi, Empire. Same. Hitler, Roosevelt. Same.

There was blame on both sides.

Banking sophistication and complexity has changed a lot over the years. There are some old practices that were unwise but common before. As to the visit, I could see him coming simply because of a perceived high degree of risk.