
I hate Trump as a human being at an intense level. And I'd like nothing more than to see him die in scandal soon. But the dumpster fire of the administration is some decent cold comfort while I wait. I think there's a non-trivial chance that the Mooch personally attacks Priebus (or some other staffer) soon! Fun!

Huh? Leaks? I know a guy in Long Island who can take care of leaks, you @*!@$&#&@&!

Have you read the books? Is heavily suggested there. Also who is your third dragon rider otherwise?

I disagree, but not because they're "good people". I disagree because they don't have a plan and they won't have a plan. This ends like this - they punt, saying it's too hard and they'll revisit later (they never will) but use it as a basis to cut taxes elsewhere. That works. Sometime around then, Trump leaves

I think he knew after the fact and couldn't stop it or he'd create a scandal.

I'm not sure we needed a video essay for this. What's next? A video essay telling me that "Rosebud" refers to more than just a sled?

At least when Theon jumps from a height, he jumps into water… unlike Tommen! (sadder trombone)

Heh. While that's a great point, that brings up ANOTHER issue I had - they were precisely targeting Yara/Theon's ships with fire catapults with many of Euron's fleet in the vicinity… How were they even figuring out who to shoot at?

I'm sure we'll find out the most popular version of milk of the poppy is called OqsiKhodon. It's from Asshai.

Timelines? I think the Tyrion-Joanna-Aerys thing is totally in play. What's the counter to this?

The whole thing was odd - even the opening shot (of stupid Sand Snakes 1 and 2) telegraphed disaster. Also… can you really sneak up on a ship THAT close up? I think it's odd that no one saw them coming until they were literally right there…

Milk of the poppy kills you down the road, but at least a few characters were taking it regularly and getting sorta addicted. So, it's an addictive poppy based product that numbs pain and eventually kills you. So it's an opiod…
Sigh… I'm guessing that Cersei is going to make milk of the poppy substance abuse a


What about his bass?

If there was ever proof that the Christian God is a lie, it's this - Trump wasn't struck dead.

The one thing this proves - the "Founding Fathers" weren't THAT smart. Their system of checks and balances has utterly broken down now.

"the shitheads who still support the orange dipshit"

To crack his base, we need him to start taking shots at guns and Jesus. And, he could plausibly do that by accident.

Dee, you're asking a million questions. All right look, I'm just going to walk you through it, so pay attention. Okay, look, the pretty lady gets naked, of course, and I help her into the prototype, yes? My hands sort of guiding along her body making sure that it fits properly. Now the dress is starting to look

Yeah… that's an improvement on what we've got now.