AV Phil

if you zoom in on the supposed blank white space you can see it's actually just a continuum of lily white people

I loved listening to his show on the AM progressive station here in Chicago. What a cool guy man this is sad news. He must have taken a hundred calls a night, such a cool and funny voice. Talk radio hosts can be… pompous? But he didnt seem to take himself too seriously and created a welcoming space on air for

Milo & Coulter are basically the same person, which is just an attention starved opportunist that has made a career off of saying uninteresting things that people get riled up about. Milo said in his interview something to the effect of "your audience is so easily triggered, it's pathetic," after they sneered at some

As I straight white male, my arguments about free speech always get misconstrued as being insensitive. Maybe I am … but I still think that these assholes shouldn't be censored, and that another approach would be to just boycott their appearances. I'm sure they love all the marching and fervor because it equals

I actually was an 11 year old when Total Recall came out. It was Arnold's finest hour

The most unsettling moment for me how Kenny smelled his fingers after he washed his hands.

After my mom died suddenly 11 years ago, in the grips of that grief I watched a movie he made called 'Love Liza.' Not a very well known film, but his performance as a man trying to deal (in part by huffing gasoline fumes) with the loss of his wife was so agonizing and raw. I remember thanking him again and again in

I was not saying it's weird for a person to be severely fucked up by the death of their child.

Bullock's easily nitpicked acting abilities kind of work to her advantage in this movie.  Her character is some super genius, who is emotionally bankrupt by the banal loss of her daughter. Just the idea of that character - whether on Earth, space, a boat -  evokes someone who isn't a magnetic personality who wows you

Thank you for your reviews.  Your observations and the comments that followed helped reveal levels and layers of this most excellent piece of art that I could have never gleaned on my own.  I can't imagine having experienced the show without it.

Bigger and Blackerer?

It has the busiest, most dense and syncopated drums - when they emerge around the 3:00 and 3:30 marks - of any BoC track I've ever heard, like their Warp brothers AFX of Squarepusher would program their emptier tracks.  I'm thinking it's going to be great

to the full extent of skill,
 vent the grill

riveting.  I love the sleazy VP… "Brody:  You look like shit."

how (un)dead is sophie right now?

Elephant in the Room was one of the best Stand Up specials I've ever seen.  The bit where he talks about men not caring about their health (or their womens') is a bit less funny now.  Get better Patrice! We need you around, this place is a bummer.