
I loved the first paragraph of the second recap, because it brought back a memory of a similar time in my life, when I unexpectedly realised that I was completely content.

Let's not forget the shot of E.B., on his back in the room behind the reception of the hotel, covered in money and kicking his legs in the air in time to Hearst's hammer-blows upstairs - made me laugh fit to split.

Guess what…
Sigue Sigue Sputnik actually sold advertising space on their 1986 debut CD 'Flaunt It', running ads between the tracks for the Studio Line cosmetics from L'Oreal and spots for i-D Magazine.

"Nu-metal" isn't a genre. The term started when Slipknot started getting some press, and Katherine Turman (who has written for L.A. Alternative Press, Guitar One, Billboard and several other publications) referred to them as neo-metal. The term, nonsensical as it was, got shortened to nu-metal by writers who

I think, if I'm not too mistaken, that it may have been James Ellroy…

As a fellow English(person), I'd rate my favourite shows thusly:

Very good points there. Who was the author who, when asked whether he was worried about Hollyowood movie adaptation of his books ruined those works, said something along the lines of "They're not ruined - they're right there on my shelves" (not claiming the accuracy of the quote, I'm sure someone more learned than me