Gary Oriber

That tag, though.

You're implying that he somehow arranged for Cersei to summon him. He didn't. Littlefinger can go back to King's Landing anytime he wants to. He doesn't need an excuse. The summons was an unwanted interruption.

How are they eliminating Sansa's purpose again? Was she killed? Or is she finally back in the seat of her family's power? How do you know this is to motivate Theon? Theon is a dead-end. Sansa is the future. It's a horrible thing that happened to her, but she is still in the story. She is not defeated or

People aren't giving the writers enough credit.

That lisp actually threw me off so bad. I thought it was Garret up until the credits rolled.

Cersei's rule was easily my least favorite part of the books. She became so painfully stupid I couldn't stand it. It wasn't even the character so much as the way that every single decision she made was wrong and shown to be wrong at the time she made it. The GoT universe is filled with these brilliant tacticians

I don't think his asceticism is an act. The humility and self-denial are evidence of his zeal, not in contrast to it. All of Cersei's "you-scratch-my-back-I-scratch-yours" is completely useless with him. He's going to do what he thinks is right no matter what.

Oh wait! I can't believe I forgot such an important character…

I watched the season in one sitting instead of sleeping. It's the third or fourth low-budget space comedy web series that I've done this with. (Starship Icarus, Space Janitors, and one other I can't put a name to at the moment). This one was probably the best, but my memory is hazy. (I remember liking Icarus, but

Cage was an idiot, but you have to admit the Mountain Men were in a tough spot. The Sky People had knocked out their power, so they had a limited amount of time before their backup ran out and everyone died. Since the rest of the mountain was irradiated, they couldn't venture out of level 5 without oxygen and/or

Where are we getting this "Grounders are Honorable and Enlightened" stuff? They have a concept of honor which suits their purposes and a philosophy of life that does the same. So does everyone.

How about the Sky People take up residence in Mount Weather and rule the Grounders with an iron fist? It will take all of 2 episodes for Raven to get the dam and the acid fog working again. No one even has to tell them there was a change of management…

They absolutely will move into Mount Weather (at least some of them). They just need to regroup first. Mount Weather was their destination from the very first episode. It would be weird if they didn't have someone move in.

Jaha was not out of character on the boat. He's killed redshirts for his entire term of office. It's almost his defining trait. He kills few for the many. Sometimes "the few" includes himself. Sometimes it doesn't.

Yeah, this could get out of hand. The levers keep getting worse. Next season Clarke will pull a lever and destroy a city. By the series finale, she will pull the lever that extinguishes mankind.

Yeah, Jasper gets to pretend like he could have actually resolved the situation, when we all know that he was 3 seconds away from being tackled/tased/shot-in-the-face.

Thank you! My point all along! It's a little annoying that more Mountain People didn't push for that. (I know that Dante did, but no one backed him up.)

Ack! I totally forgot about Theseus (Richard Harmon)!

It proves that she puts Sky People first. If she was willing to cook children and civilians alive to save a few dozen of her people, then she would surely part ways with some random tribal folks for the sake of her people.