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    Make the world a better place. Punch a Nazi in the face.

    I believe that was eventually confirmed to be a hoax. Also, the Zodiac killings were not the work of a ghost or some other supernatural creature. That being said, even though I primarily think of the movie as a police procedural/crime drama, I'm not going to get to upset if Zodiac is also classified as a horror film

    Technically, Zodiac can't be a horror movie because it's based on real-world events. However, as someone who was 5 years old and living in the Bay Area at the time of the Zodiac killings, he was as close to the bogeyman as you would encounter in real life.

    Last year, one of half-dozen or so ice cream trucks that were regularly in my neighborhood played Irving Berlin's "Easter Parade" which was rather odd hearing in late July.

    Accurate—although I would add ageism to the mix. Long was well into her 30s by the time she landed "Cheers" so her window for making it in the movies was already closing shut. In fact, I think the arrival of Meg Ryan was was possibly the worst thing to happen to Long's career since she was also a cute blonde who

    Or what about the scene where Shelley gets attacked by the raccoon in the dumbwaiter?

    True. I like her but I've always thought if Shelley Long decided to stay on "Cheers", the behind-the-scene tensions involving her and the cast would've boiled over and the show would've imploded like "Moonlighting" did. There's no way it would've lasted for another six years.

    I don't think that was so much an instance of falling for him as it was pity.

    Do you remember the TV commercials from about 1969 featuring the dinosaur that ate the Taco Bell building at the end of the ad?

    Trivia: Cimarron is one of three Westerns that won an Oscar for Best Picture and, until Dances With Wolves in 1990, was the only one.

    True. Goldwater said, "They should saw off the East Coast, and let it float out to sea."

    Oddly, even though Rex Harrsion did act like an asshole, he may have been partially right. Flanders and Swann would've been a better choice to do the songs for that movie than Anthony Newley.

    "Tom Servo, if you don't stop doing your Anthony Newley I'm going to throw you against the wall!"

    I already said this in another post but the 1967 version of "Dr. Doolittle" ranks among the most notoriously troubled productions and biggest flops in Hollywood history. In fact, it almost brought Fox to the brink of bankruptcy for the second time in five years (which I'm guessing why, even after nearly 50 years, they

    Actually, the 1967 "Dr. Doolittle" wasn't even that well regarded when it came out. It was a notoriously troubled and costly production that was torn apart by critics and ignored by audiences despite the millions Fox spent hyping the film (including "arranging" for it to be nominated for Best Picture even though

    I remember that. Her character was 30 years old even though she was only 20 at the time and looked about 12.

    It probably would've been too on the nose but I was expecting the guy who suggested re-instating the Purge at the end would be named Landru.

    That's because they made her character look like circa 1995 Janeane Garofalo.

    Pandemic Dodger: "(T)he dispatching of a certain family in SH is so cold-blooded it really surprised me."

    The problem with casting Streep (or Peters) as Mrs. Lovett with Depp as Sweeney is there's too much of an age difference between them. Lovett and Sweeney are supposed to be around the same age and slapping more old age make-up and white hair on Depp wouldn't have made him believable as someone in Streep's and Peters'