
Especially after the immediately preceding ballroom number.  Didn't
anybody else find it a little weird for them to come up up with the
brilliant idea to fuse some Paso into the Tango… when given a guy with
a reputation for being less trained, but had already had some
modest success with a paso earlier in the season?

Or maybe disappointed in the chroreography???  Didn't
anybody else find it a little weird for them to come up up with the
brilliant idea to fuse some Paso into the Tango… when given a guy with a reputation for being less trained, but had already had some
modest success with a paso earlier in the season?

I normally think they soft-pedal critiques too much, but I agree with you that they seemed to be heaping blame on Aaron for things that weren't as big a deal and not even necessarily his fault.

Did anybody notice that Amy seemed awfully dejected after that PasoTango?  Maybe not so obvious since it's not like she was like pouting or sulking or crying or anything like that…  But those trademark huge grins were glaringly missing, and all she was managing was small closed lips smiles, which on anybody else would

I really liked them getting the chance to do a "real" routine in their own style.  I had been for years wishing they would all get to do one solo like this, getting to work in their own style but professionally choreographed and produced etc…  But I think this idea of a similar type thing but with an all-star partner

Ah, brandine…  I had totally forgotten about Katee getting an award + cash for top girl in her season, thanks for the reminder…

I'm guessing it is nothing more than coincidence, but it just seems interesting and weird how this season has served to "complete the season" for both Alex and Melanie.

I miss Pasha too, and  I hope it's something like what you suggest, that working elsewhere is preventing him from dancing on sytycd.  He did choreograph a routine last season, but the last time we saw him dance was the season before, and even then when one of the dances he did was a "judges pick" reprised in the final

For those of you who love Jasmine & Neil, but hated the Tyce dance…

I tend to agree. I had mixed feelings about the dual winners when
they first started it last season, so I did a bit of very light analysis
back then and still had mixed feelings.

I tend to agree. I had mixed feelings about the dual winners when they first started it last season, so I did a bit of very light analysis back then and still had mixed feelings.

Fair enough.  And I have to admit that Alexander was probably helped more than Sasha was hurt.

> So I'm starting to wonder whether or not the individual voting at this
early stage is hurting the contestants and confusing America? I don't
know, but I think that the competition was better served when it was all
about the couples at this point in everything.