
The two Pennsylvania voters bit was actually nice up until Tina Fey's delivery of the joke about that time when Fallon had Trump on his chat show. Then Fallon laughed his way through after that, which kind of ruined the whole bit. Weakest part of an otherwise shockingly great Weekend Update.

Melissa Villaseñor's work on Mas Mejor is sublime, go check it out. Her Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguilera (better than Maya Rudolph's, in my opinion) and Kristen Wiig impressions are stunning.

Tobias Fünke

Definitely series-finale level stuff here, but I'm sure Mandel et al can write their way out of this. JLD's on fire this season, but the scene with her looking out into the open field listening to Montez's parade ruined me emotionally more than last week's Red Room scene.

At first I thought Dan's question about "going hallway to hallway with your mom's twin" is about Catherine going from one White House hallway to the next with her mom with Marjorie in tow, and I found that interpretation pretty funny.

Gary having a mental breakdown after seeing Selina ang Tom having sex is the most Gary thing to have ever happened to Gary.

Ben is on fucking fire this season. "Wait, I'm on coumadin!", "Thanks, Ken's autism", and "I'm pretty sure I called her a cunt to the reporter who broke the story" had me in stitches. Kevin Dunn for all the supporting comedy actor Emmys!

Ike Barinholtz and Josh Meyers' closeted football fans sketch still is one of my favorites. Primarily because of how hot the sketch was, but also because it was silly but very funny.

My favorite moment (in an episode filled with a fuckton of amazing moments) is when Gary sits down from being nauseated from Selina's DNR conversation with Dr Maripuri, and Selina says "Stephen Hawking here is indisposed". Best episode since last season's penultimate episode.

The out-of-nowhere "Made in China" groan in the Cinema Classics sketch made me laugh so hard.

Don't worry, my friend. I failed in two of three pharmacology exams during my second year (bouts of depression and my general aversion for pharma did me in) and I turned out alright. ^_^ Plus I've realized that you'll understand most of the concepts better once you get clinical exposure!

I wanted Peih-gee to excel, but what did her in during her time in 'China' kind of happened again. For me she played a post-merge strategy way too early in the game (voting out Aaron and trying to stage a James vote prior to the merge in 'China', letting an easy vote (any of the former Bayon, or Varner who is

I'm partial to Veep insults when I'm feeling rather angry. "He's useless… like a one-inch cock" and "it's like explaining gravity to a chicken" are my favorites.

To be fair, she still looks pretty damn amazing even if she's nearing her 40s now. Her appearance in Mad Max: Fury Road was amazing (good God, that bum).

I was looking for Don and Megan's Heinz pitch (with the mother and son eating Heinz beans through the years, from the cavemen era all the way to the space age) in season 5. That one was one of my favorite Don moments - cool, calm, committed, improvising a pitch with a partner who is just as willing to go the extra

I assume Birgitte would be anti-Eurovision because Svend-Age Saltum seems like the type of guy that would really enjoy Eurovision. And it would pit Birgitte and her sexy British boyfriend against each other.

I actually liked the way they used the loved ones' visist this season - they were only there for moral support, or whatever, and not as strategy (like dead grandma) or some sort of emotional leverage (looking at you, Brenda). And Tony dropping a Drake reference during the loved ones' visit just made it heaps better.

If Cecily Strong has to be blamed for a weak Weekend Update this season, I think it's only for her lack of chemistry with Jost (who is as dull as a brick wall on the show), and not for her supposed lack of personality. I found her interactions with Seth hilarious and endearing (that drunk Scottish river fish bit was,

I think Youtube definitely had a huge influence on the pre-taped bits, which are, sadly, provided the most memorable moments of the show the season. You are right about the other sketches, though - this season had the blandest, toothless political stuff in, like, years.

I laughed pretty hard at Kass dropping an inadvertent Kanye reference during her post-reward confessional. No one man should have all that power, especially if it's Tony, who seems to have an ego in the game as big as Kanye West.