booty savior

I used to not understand at all when people disliked things that are so obviously good and I even got upset sometimes, but then I hated Boyhood, which apparently is really good. So I accept your opinion and won't judge you for it. Sometimes you just aren't into it.

Ah, AT&T automatically signs me into those things so that explains why I didn't know about it.

I'm almost positive they still streamed on there last season. And ESPN streams MNF. Verizon customers can watch local games on their phones and people with Sunday Ticket can stream games. There's actually a lot of streaming out there already.

I don't need to prove anything to you, AV Club!

I hope they make the main quest as fucking awesome as New Vegas's was although since Obsidian is the master of making games with meaningful choices, I feel like it will be hard to top. Either way though, this is guaranteed to be amazing and I will sink literally hundreds of hours into this by the time I'm done.

This guy's daughter went to my high school and she was so annoying about it.

Because even if it's a shitty movie, I think the people who made it still deserve money for it if I'm going to watch it. The only movies I try not to pay for are when they're made by people I know suck, like Woody Allen.

Hey, no reason to call me an idiot. You have no idea what my reasons are for seeing this movie. In this case, however, you're right, I'm seeing it because I'm an idiot and I feel an obligation to after watching the whole show because I'm an idiot.

I'm going to see this movie and hate it and feel stupid for seeing it but I'm still going to do it because there is something wrong with me.

Was this the Disney Channel show? If so, yes, please do.

This didn't seem ominous or foreboding to me. Those both imply an impending sense of doom. He just killed a shit ton of people. The doom is already here.

Hiro going back to the samurai time and everyone losing their powers is what did it for me I think. Also the one girl that had an evil side and then something happened to her (Did she die? I can't remember) but then some lady that looks exactly like her shows up and also has powers.

Man I loved the first season and I think I might have finished the second season but I know I definitely didn't finish the third. I kind of want to watch this new season, but I feel like that would require me to watch the whole show which I really don't want to do.

I still love Mr. Deeds just for when he asks the guy how the elevator business is treating him and he responds with "Oh, if has its ups and downs."

Please post it. Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, and Putt-Putt were my childhood.

I have no problem with that lawsuit, but I hate the people that sued McDonald's for making their kids fat.

I just bought a Vita off Amazon and it's supposed to come in on Tuesday. It comes with Borderlanda 2 and I also bought Persona 4 Golden. Honestly, Persona is the main reason I got it. I'm thinking I'll get the Sly Cooper and Rachet and Clank collections too but are there any other games you guys can reccomend?

When I replayed Heavy Rain I got the exact same ending as the first time and I have no idea how because I was pretty sure I made different choices. I think it might be because I refused to fail some quick time events on purpose.

Watch Dogs had a ton of things to do but I didn't find any of them very fun. Same with a lot of Assassin's Creed stuff. I still really like Farcry though because the gameplay at its core is still really enjoyable.

That's why I love Dragon Age 2. It isn't about saving the world, it's about the rise of Hawke, so it actually makes sense to show all the different things he does to get money and power.