booty savior

I don't know how far you are into Inquisition, but if you can get out of Hinterlands and do the quest for either the mages or Templars, it really improves a lot after that point.

Sounds like something a spam bot would say!

Chance played at my school last year and at the end of the show he told us to tweet him the address of all the parties so a frat threw this huge party but he never showed up. The next day there was a post on reddit with a picture of him and apparently he just went to some guys apartment and smoked blunts with him.

I've planned out all my answers for these questions just in case I accidentally become famous this year.

I feel like this is a spam bot, but I'm not sure because it didn't give the paleo diet a full enjoy.

Aw man, you just made me realize that they're probably going to do a Back to the Future remake soon.

Yeah, I don't think it's a great movie, but it certainly isn't bad. I have fun every time I watch it.

Penny Dreadful is already better. Honestly, I thought this was just what they were going to do with that shared monster universe.

Fuuuuuuuuck why doesn't this exist

Yeah, I liked pretty much every song on the first album, which I definitely can't say about the second. But the second has a lot of kickass songs.

You know, thinking about it, I have no idea how I find out about most band's new albums. Most of the time it's because of AV Club reviews I think. I knew about Modest Mouse and Weezer's new albums but news about those was everywhere. Hell, I didn't find out about Cage the Elephant's new album until a year after it

I fucking love the Vaccines. I even like the second album that nobody else likes. I didn't even know this was coming out and now I'm super excited to listen to it. Fucking awesome.

You know you can edit your post, right?


That was the last thing he said!

Dark Cloud is one of my favorite games, even though I never got past the forest area. I just had so much fun building that first town. I want them to do an HD remake of those games so badly.

Wait so did anyone die in the season finale?

Scrotal Recall is a good show.

I'm sure this joke has been made a million times already, but I can't wait to watch seven seasons of this guy trying to get his group of knights out of swords.

I'll be honest, I hate most movies with Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, and similar actresses. I'm sure they could be really great given better roles, but they all seem to play the same characters in everything and I usually find those characters funny for about ten minutes of whatever movie it is I'm watching.