booty savior

I like this movie but doesn't the guy who made it suck?

Those are very valid complaints. I usually notice those things as well, but choose to ignore them, but I understand how it would be hard for some people to get past them.

I think they have that bland network feel because they are on networks.

Which one is the half? I hate all of Temple of Doom but that's only because it was the only movie we had in my car when I was little and watched it about a million times on a little five inch screen and I fucking hate that shit forever now.

The only people I know that use lunchboxes use them for storing weed. Will this work for that?

I highly recommend the Dark Brotherhood! In my opinion, it's the best part of the game.

I was so pissed when I read the description of the episode and it said Felicity's mom was showing up. Luckily, the episode didn't focus too much on that, but they still managed to ruin Felicity's character even more. Seriously, the only thing she did in this episode was debate whether or not she should save her

I'm really bad at video games. I'm the type of guy who plays on easy mode and enjoys just demolishing everything. But for some reason I decided to buy this game. I played for three hours and couldn't get past the first part so I downloaded Black Flag. Being a pirate is so much easier.

I've never seen the show. I just googled "worst king of the hill" episodes. It took me a lot of time and I'm now questioning the effort I put into it.

Unless he wrote Pigmalion, the Exterminator, Arrow Head, or Bill of Sales.

I fucking love Courtney Barnett. I saw her at Coachella last year and she was so fucking rad. A Sea of Split Peas was my favorite new music of last year and I can't wait to listen to this.

I liked the first episode, but I can't finish the second episode because Yahoo Screen fucking sucks. Also, why the fuck can't I use it with Chromecast? LET ME WATCH MY COMMUNITY ON REAL TV GODDAMMIT

I hope it sounds exactly like Grand Budapest Hotel because I think that would be funny

I got an annoying AV Club meme notification for this?

My friend that saw them said Isaac complained about how he hates festivals and just didn't really seem into it.

I want to see them again, but the only show they're playing out here is at a festival, and I've heard from multiple people that they suck at festivals.

I understand he makes good movies, but seriously, fuck this guy.

I never read the old Valiant stuff but, I actually fucking love the new X-O Manowar.

That might have been the point.

Sly Cooper 2 is the best game I've ever played. Please play it.