booty savior

Why did we all suddenly decide that Leslie Jones is funny? "Queen of comedy" does not seem like a word to describe her at all.

Actually in the second game when you recruit Samara you have the opportunity to do a renegade interrupt and shoot a random person. If you choose not to, they run away and it turns out they were a fucked up murderer. I like this situation even more because you're shooting this person for basically no reason and they

Talking Heads - ""Love -> Building On Fire""

That article is really great for a few reasons. One, it seems to randomly throw in facts about his family that have zero relevance to the rest of the article, like that he married a 25 year old photographer and had a baby. Two, his neighbors sound like hilariously stereotypical New Yorkers, saying things like "All the

Obviously everyone in the band is talented, but Bonzo has always been my favorite part of Led Zeppelin. I fucking love Moby Dick

This is fucking bullshit

She named the only Jewish guy Goldstein hahahaha

No, my rationale is that we shouldn't risk our lives promoting a movie that's getting plenty of publicity anyway.

I don't believe that you can overdose on marijuana. The first time I did an edible, I ate a 150 mg bar, got ridiculously high for a few hours, fell asleep, and woke up high the next day. I later found out that most of my friends only do 15 mg when they do edibles and still get ridiculously high, but I still do the

I have a good friend who lives in D.C., is pretty conservative, and smokes a ton of pot. He's so mad at the Republicans right now.

This reminds me of that South Park episode about Family Guy.

The difference is that Rogen and Franco would be risking their lives to promote a movie, not to help people. Would you risk your life to promote a movie? Not to mention, if something did happen during those interviews, many other people could get hurt.

I have a friend whose favorite band is Modest Mouse and he got me really into them. But the only albums I listened to were We Were Dead and Good News. When I told him this, he got mad at me and forced me to listen to Lonesome Crowded West (I've since listened to their whole discography) and I'd definitely say that was

I had a friend that did that every time Workaholics was on.

I think a lot of people like racist jokes a lot because they feel like they're getting away with something.

I want this game so badly but I can't justify buying a Wii U when I'll only ever play one game on it. Although I bought a 3DS for Pokemon and Fire Emblem and ended up finding some other games I like. Is there a big single player campaign like in the last game? If there is it might be worth it.

I remember Trading Spaces: Boys vs Girls on Discovery Kids. One kid had to go through an obstacle course to get to her bed because she liked spies.

I downloaded one of those games on my Xbox and tried to play it. The first cutscene felt like it took twenty minutes and then the game just dropped me in some jungle without telling me what to do or how to play.I moved around a little bit and then quit.

Click on the right stick.

There's a few quests where someone will say something like "We have problems with supplies, go talk to these people and they'll each tell you something you need to get."