
Then don't take what she said personally. It's her experience and her expression of it is her choice.

You have no brain. You are programmed to respond without thought or consideration to what was said like the robotic drone you are. And in the end when you have no more programming fed to you it will be nothing but reruns of a life lived by other people and you won't know the difference. I envy you.

Good debate professor.

You don't know if I'm a he. And maybe I don't want anyone to be raped. Victim blaming slut shaming whatever the hell it hardly matters when a woman is raped does it? So could the situation that Chrissie found herself in been avoided. She says yes it could and who the hell is anybody to disagree with her? Have you

This isn't about most rape victims. It's about her experience ONLY.

Yes you can withdrawal consent AND still get raped. That's the definition of rape in fact. If you don't put yourself in a bad place less chances a bad thing happens. But you know you should consider doing an exclusive one on one interview with Bill Cosby alone over some drinks in his hotel room if you want. No means

Can you run in heels? Post video.

Well hang out and tease a bunch of drunk drug addict bikers in the late 60s/early 70s then if you want. But I'll bet it goes more like Billy Jack than Wild Hogs. Some danger you can't avoid and some danger you can try to.

She didn't blame other rape victims. She blamed herself and regrets some of her choices. That's perfectly ok. I know the popular theory now is that you should be able to hang out with thugs dressed in see through bikini while dry humping their legs and turn around and wonder why did I get raped? But being right

The Last Polka needs some love. One of the funniest ones ever (and it features Eugene Levy).

Are you getting uppity? jk

In the spirit of the casting of Johnny Storm in the new Fantastic Four, Kunta Kinte will be played by Jimmy Fallon.

Phil Rudd — the drummer of AC/DC, not to be confused with President Barack Obama.
Phil Rudd — the drummer of AC/DC, not one half of the comedy team The Three Stooges.
Phil Rudd - the drummer of AC/DC, not Phil Lord legendary drummer and creator of soccer star Hope Solo.

Other rockers are weighing in on twitter including U2 lead singer Yoko who said: "Phil Lord is my 2nd favorite drummer next to Beatles drummer Ringo Barr (former wife of Tom Arnold)."
Van Halen front man David Lee Rose said "My heart goes out to Phil and to all the CD/AC fans out there."

At least they got his first name right.

Lord played on my favorite AC/DC album: Van Halen II.

I love Eugene Levy, Chris Elliott and Catherine O'Hara so much! They are some of the funniest people ever. But this show is a disaster. It isn't very funny. It is incredibly dry like it doesn't know how to be funny. Everything is dialed way down to the point that it seems nearly lifeless.
Except Daniel Levy. He's

I had those same headphones (Radio Shack brand) and a cheap bass that looked just like that.

3rd graders can get married, right?

An all muslim women in hijabs cast would be great. Or what about a cast of African American female little people? That would be cool. I got it… an all lesbian Mexican cast in wheelchairs! Imagine how many divorced smart 3rd graders would love these movies! With a Dan Ackryod cameo of course.