
White people Donkey Punch like this: "Bop." But black people Donkey Punch like this: "Whaa-BAAAAAM!"

Everything I gather about Apatow leads me to believe that he's anti-pot. The episode of F&G where Lindsay flips out while babysitting, the anti-pot message in Pineapple, etc. Rogan is the stoner god of the crew, and a personal favorite…

As always, you are too wise, Nabin. I'm filled with rage over Emily's entry, and I can't explain why. First, the poetry defense. Now, I used to like poetry quite a bit, and write some horrible poetry myself in HS/college, but "dismissing poetry = dismissing English" just pissed me off. So if I don't like classical

I have such a raging clue right now.

And while we're hating, what's with all the excessive love of blowjobs? Jesus, it's just a chick putting a cock in her mouth, get over it. You know, you could stick your dick through a hole and I could have a supermodel and a 400-lb. biker alternate gobbling your junk and you probably wouldn't know the difference, so

I'm currently in the midst of a DFW reading project, basically plowing through his books one after another and kicking myself in the balls for not discovering him sooner. I started, as many here have suggested, with the essay collections (Consider the Lobster, then A Supposedly Fun Thing…), then worked through his

It's so sad that I'm really looking forward to the GFE. I guess I'll just have to settle for the 186 other Sasha Grey movies I have until it comes out…

I'll take the chicken over Fey McLimpwrist from that commercial any day. He didn't HAVE to say "I don't watch sports" to a panel full of athletes and other sports-related people, just like the douchetard didn't have to say "I thought you were Lee Spike" or whatever. If you want to go up to Spike Lee and say, "Hi

Sounds more like an album title, but point taken…

I must be a hipster
I never thought of myself as a hipster since I wear generic golf shirts, watch a lot of boxing, and own zero ironic t-shirts. However, apparently I am a super-twee effete hipster douche because I saw Rushmore when I was in high school and fell in love with it, seeing it 3 times in theaters and

I have to agree with Cousin Walter - I like tits. Actually, I often prefer smaller tits to bigger tits. Smaller tits tend to approach perfection more often. They are usually smooth, symmetrical, and fit nicely in the hand or the mouth.

Everyone's a critic
Perhaps I am guilty of loving blindly, but I have really enjoyed this season of Curb. Larry has been an asshole on purpose plenty of times in the show's past, although I can't think of any off the top of my head because I smoke way too much pot. Sometimes he stumbles into asshole behavior,

When in doubt…
I turn to Bill Hicks for guidance: