Feathers McGraw

Evel, didn't he voice a faun in Hercules? Could this have anything to do with it?

PVT - He doesn't like being sold out, but he's okay with selling out for himself. it's all about control, see.

Tell 'em, Steve Dave!

I read Cowgirls, it was alright. Then I read Another Roadside Attraction, and it was basically the same characters with different names, doing much the same things in different places. It made me feel Robbins is a one-trick pony, and I haven't read anything by him since.

Keep your hand on your gun
Don't you trust anyone
There's only one kind of man that you can trust, that's a dead man -
Or a gringo like me.

Jim Carrey just crossed the line from "annoying" to "dangerous".

Shaggy was clearly bustin' out some ganja as they went around the country.

I believe Carl Weathers ran for…the chopper!

I see "mattar" a lot. Basically, since it's being transliterated from a different alphabetical system, any spelling that matches the right consonant sounds will do, surely.

It could be called shame by proxy.

The Adventures of Barry Ween: Boy Genius was not average! It was good, at least!