
He doesn't talk like us!

At least something good came from the film series.

You have to love infotainment.


Grunge seemed to mark a change from presentation to content, in terms of music.

Thank you I will have to see it.

I am glad I can gain hearts and minds.

You dare impinge Christopher Walken.

I would add that speilberg is a great technical film maker though his films never really seem to "push the envelope" so to speak. His films always feel lite in a way.

Have another upvote.

It is a shame, because the film was fairly good.

Heathens, thats who.

It is good to know I have somewhat good taste.

Ferra did do a hardcore porn film though I believe Driller Killer is/ was a horror film.

I thought I was the only person who enjoyed the King of New York. It is good to know I am not alone.

Have an upvote.

Isn't Amos supposed to kind of a jerk?

Palmer can come off poorly though it could be unintentional. It paints the picture that she seems to really lack self awareness.

I try.

Hey now! I miss The Larry Sanders Show.