
Definitely not middle of the road.

The Day After, always frightened me. Specifically the scene in which it is implied that one of the main characters is going to be eaten.

Don't mention that. Jesus!


That sounded ominous. I was not aware of any phone worker.

It is a conspiracy!!!

He is completely evil and bad and not at all a mostly moderate Democrat.

Nobama has unparallelled powers. He can control everything from chemicals in chemtrails to the type of signals being sent through fillings and tin foil hats. Firing this man is child's play to him.

It'll be better than before?

I always thought of it as a comedy.

Winter's Bone was pretty awesome.

It is hard to tell in written form.

He picks good projects, though they seem to misfire.

I have seen Donnie Darko and then I watch the rest of Kelly's filmography and I wonder where he went wrong.

He can be though he did do some good stuff for awhile.

I had a chance to see this. I am kind regretting not watching it.

I was just really busy also I have other shows I need to get through. I still haven't finished this season of GoT. I will have to revisit Freaks and Geeks.

She would do something like that.

Fine I fricking will and I will never invite you to my birthday party.

I have only seen one episode of Freaks and Geeks, should I watch the whole series? I know this sounds like blasphemy.