Little Biscuit

I remember Serena Altschul going talking about how she was hiding in a guitar closet (or something) until a guitarist for some major band (I forget who) whisked her away into his helicopter. Considering her experience, I don't see why CBS didn't have her report abroad during the war…

The real challenge would be creating a believable helmet. That woman has the skull of a Neanderthal.

At this point, everyone is jerking everyone else off over at Fox animation - except for Bob's Burgers, which is the reverse of the Family Guy coin, being original and unfunny, and American Dad, which is doing pretty bad and is in a death slot, only unlike Futurama isn't quite good enough to be revived (don't get me

Yes. The Simpsons is clearly in debt to Family Guy for a lot.

I don't know about you, but…
I would totally watch Geena Davis Space Project 1999.

Hahaha… seriously?

I Love You Phillip Morris is a great movie that only gets points off for being wildly uneven. The two leads really are great together.

What about Blue Sky?
Blue Sky was made in 1990, and went unreleased until 1994 (Orion went bankrupt), at which point Jessica Lange won a Best Actress Oscar for a movie that she made four years before. How could it not be on this list, simply based on that fact?

Why would Simon spend more time on this review than the creators of the show did coming up with reasons to reboot this show? Give the person a break, nerdz.