
An all-timer of a Wurster call on The Best Show this week.

Loved the Niece Denise voice for Sally. Perfect.

Jazz, man. Jazz.

Anyone notice how much more cinematic this season is looking compared to last? Showing a lot more confidence in all aspects in a strong start to the season. Maybe a bigger budget was involved allowing for that.

The sequence as Valerie leaves her cameras was one of the most affective moments in TV this year.

Could be a continuity error, but I think that Jimmy slept with Becca. Both his cigarettes and the wine bottle he left with are back at the house when they cut back to Becca staring off in the distance.


a true Pepperman

I think not referencing it is the whole bit.

In Scott's Reddit AMA he said they have the season already plotted out and one episode written. They just need a little more free time to follow through.

Have you recovered from your taken amnesia?

"This interview seems to be going just like that thing Jack and Jill went up a hill to draw from! Well."
It seems as though they might have drawn this quotes inspiration from the writing style of Mike Detective (co-written by Aukerman and Neil Campbell).

Addendum: the immortal and has always and will always exist part was non-canonical.

Addendum: the immortal and has always and will always exist part was non-canonical.

This episode was ladder'd with laughs!

I approached this album apprehensively coming off Kanye's monumental MBDTF and the rushed vibe I received about the whole ordeal, but this album totally surpassed my expectations. It doesn't beat MBDTF but it comes closer than I could even have imagined. Well done.

The reason Will Hunting did the NSA interview is not because he's in a movie, but because he is an asshole.

I thought at the end scene with Nick and Jess they were going to do a Graduate-esque scene, but I am very glad they didn't.
Great episode.