
Finkel and Fyvush… Fyvush and Finkel…

#87 actually. They put it out really soon after #86.

I'd been wondering the same thing, and wasn't sure where to post it. It seems like it's a huge deal that this series finally ended and there's been no mention from AV Club.

As I understand it, they weren't supposed to be robots so much as battle stations for the Japanese Micronauts line. That's why all the vehicles came with those little drivers.

I wound up doing the same thing. I'm around 2/3 through the second Thrawn trilogy book now. Pre-prequel EU honestly has a lot of "cool" factor going for it!

Doctors hate him for his one weird Jedi mind trick!

I think they dealt with it. I'm not going to lie, I stoppd Reading after Chewie got crushed to death by a moon.

Not pictured: he cuts off Micky's head. The mask explodes open to reveal the very face of vFrank Stallone!

I feel like he's the right choice. His Star Trek movies feel way more like Star Wars to me. I can't help but think that the first of his Trek movies would have made a pretty good SW if you changed around the trappings. SW is best when it's a little dumb and moves so fast you don't have time to question it. That seems

Per the EU, the end game for Palpatine was to control the entire galaxy and build death stars to fight off an invasion of extragalactic sadomasochists called the Yuuzhan Vong, which apparently hate technology and like appearing in terrible books.

Everyone knows that Macklemore is an idiot. What this line of reasoning presupposes is: maybe he isn't?

I've spent a lot of time at that store. This time of year, most of the costuming supplies they have are for school plays, etc. Also, if he wanted a witch nose, they probably had cheaper ones the next aisle over.

Adventure Time.

They do address the issue, somewhat. Thomas Riker is a transporter clone of William Riker, with his own personality and history after the point at which the split occurred.

In our lifetimes, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we managed the "uploading", with the emulation to come later. It'll be the new cryonics. Every year or so you can update your hard drive. If we're lucky, someday we'll all be woken up just in time to experience the horror of the heat death of the universe!

This always really bothered me about Trek. Nobody really talked about the fact that the transporter was an effective cure for death. Tasha Yar would still be alive, every weird disease could be instantly dealt with, etc. Could you imagine a portable transporter as a weapon? Just beam the enemy into a pattern buffer,

Have you ever really sat down and tried to picture anyone pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps?

I I'd really like to see Will Ferrell in this as the older veteran. He'd be a guy who signed on in the 90s and now he's the burned out regional manager or safety director or something like that, in charge of training the newer employees. I'd also swap out Chris Pratt or Richard Ayode for another woman on the team,

It's more of a salve

Do they still openly talk about rape on there? I can't bring myself to look. That sub being allowed to exist is why I gave up Reddit.