I'm looking forward to the better version of Mycroft. (Sorry, Elementary)
I'm looking forward to the better version of Mycroft. (Sorry, Elementary)
What is it with people playing evil that makes them so nice off-camera?
And then we realized that Mindy Kaling was not good enough to have her own show. Shame.
Why! Seriously, why!
B-ish… I dunno. I enjoy this show, but I don't even know how to judge it anymore.
As long as Maria Thayer and Chris Elliot stay employed, I'm all for this show.
Ian Somerhalder's eyes rolling.
As long as it doesn't end up with Stuart in love with his half sister or something, sure, why not?
Lucy Punch is here to try to heal the Ben & Kate size hole in my heart.
Can the three Nina Dobrev's appear on the same episode at the same time in the room? Please? Pretty Please?
Interesting that we are still lacking a theme 5 episodes in, although The Originals seems to be having the same "problem".
A very uneven season is getting more so after tonight, sheesh.
Man, this show becoming 4 shows in one does not suit it well. This ain't Justified,you know?
Cool, but can they fix the awfulness that is the average cable box? Cause I am not buying an Xbox One.
So, this is gonna awesomely terrible or just terrible? I hope is the former.
So, this is In Treatment meets Brothers and Sisters? or x+y=?
Wanted: Cute as a button quirky girl with panache and genuine acting chops.
God Bless Peter Dinklage and Sean O'Neal!
Katie LeClerc? Nathan Fiillion? Brie fucking Larson?! Oh Community! Now I'm actually excited to watching you again!
Have a Machete Christmas!!!