
Wow. The Season 3 finale could have served as a series finale, and I would have been a pleased viewer!

1) Plot hole? Why didn't anyone inhabit Reynard's presumably empty body?
2) Loved KHR's portrayal of Kenzi in Dyson's body! So much fun!

1) Plot hole? Why didn't anyone inhabit Reynard's presumably empty body?
2) Loved KHR's portrayal of Kenzi in Dyson's body! So much fun!

1) I'm going to assume that Kalinda had Grace call home (off-screen) once her safety was established, so that Alicia/Peter could call off the search and save themselves some undue worry.

My biggest pet peeve in this episode was the (lack of) continuity, oblivious characters, and the logistical "challenges" that were rampant:

1) Gemma's still alive after Charlie shoots her at (practically) point blank range. FAIL.

Two words: Crosby. Hot.

Too many plot holes in this one:
- At the information hub, Maddy brings up pictures of Horton's assistant, but doesn't think to get one of Horton?
- Horton's Imposter was way too obvious; even I saw the Assistant "twist" coming, envelope DNA and all.
- Really, Maddy? You're sharing your theories with Zoe? Zoe… you know,