
I'd also just accept seeing Oscar Isaac's version of Nick Miller and/or Jake Johnson's version of Llewyn Davis. I just love them both so much.

I desperately want a Jake Johnson/Oscar Isaac film to happen.

But what about the jeshirt?

He's just a one track lover down a two way lane

That was also my reaction- that was much more powerful to me than this episode.

I also love that Schmidt is STILL the only one who hasn't seen it

I lost it at the homeless man singing Father Figure.  Oh my god.


I absolutely enjoyed this episode but still do not understand how Cooler did not get an A grade.  That was a flawless episode.

It's a strong table

This episode deserves AT LEAST an A- for the last 2 minutes.  Breathless.

I was scrolling the list hoping for that.  I tried to listen to it in a library and nearly had to walk out at the coconut water quote.  The whole thing was so well done.