The Dangerous Aluminium Can

I hope the ending to Part I won't be too… anticlimactic.

That song does not get enough recognition. The live version with ersatz Patti Thom Yorke from that Tibetan benefit concert needs to be played at my funeral.

As long as it's not about that God-awful band Bastille everything should be fine.

Also, she's Asian! Craaay-zyyy! *Dads studio audience dies of laughter*

Setting the world on fire always seemed like a slightly exaggerated way of proving your youth to me.

Uh, Tony, please no. I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo.

Uhm, The Aristobat(man)s? Yeah, I'm not good at this.

(Something something "pissing on Ben Affleck" because he did that to Lena Dunham on Girls and nobody likes Affleck)