
You just watch…
this is the beginning of the end for Netflix. Drastic change to plans instead of $2 upcharge that noone would notice. Now folks are going to go to streaming only and look at their options. Now you'll have a service that simply streams old movies and TV. This exposes them to greater competition from

Stuttering John
of Howard Stern Show fame is a producer on this project.

Just like SNL
Folks pine for the REM of their formative years. When you span generations, that's what happens. I was a super fan in the late 80's early 90's. I remember older dudes telling me that the band wasn't shit after Reckoning. New Adventures is when I lost interest. But looking here, that seems to be a

Has anyone mentioned that the selection of Netflix movies one can stream is pretty shit. Maybe in the future, but doesn't seem like a huge deal right now.

Crazy Devil rubs away….
Just look for the devil with the googlie eyes.