
"uber-liberal" isn't really an apt term for what (I think) lojinxes is referring to, but there is a pocket of technically political liberals whose main motivation seems to be proving that they're better than everyone else, which is essentially the same motivation as the current power holders in the GOP. You can't

The act itself is bad enough. Celebrating it is many, many times worse.

People like to point at Trump as a demonstration of the collective shittiness of much of the American populace, but the House has been playing that role with pride for most of always.

Not even going to ask why a Viking is surreptitiously disposing of possibly alien artifacts with a G. I. Joe villain.

Those seem like cases of someone who not only doesn't understand comedy, they don't understand anti-comedy either.

I went to a local comedy show (not technically an open mic, but basically on that level) fairly recently and like the first four . . . talkers were about 70% therapy session and 30% spoken word, leaving no room for any comedy whatsoever.

And when Dr. Evil asks Scott if that's how he wants to live his life, Austin nods.

Given the pay scale in the humanities, looking like an English teacher isn't really a disguise for a burglar, it's just a description.

Don't let this get around, but I moonlight as an English teacher.

If it helps any, I'd like to think I would've gone easier on the pissantry if I hadn't already responded to David Jams first. The pedantry on the other hand—that's a lot closer to the core of my very being.

The "bode" in that case is short for "bodacious," so it's technically not the same word. Not that that justifies anything done on tumblr.

Yes, but I also understood the proper meaning and therefore usage. The phrase you wanted was "speak well of."

You have no idea what you're talking about, on any level.

That's not how you use "bode."

Also the Bob Saget roast.

As an English teacher, you should have already known better than to expect proper comma usage from fucking journalists.

If they don't give you the boat, then it's false pretenses.

Seriously. You know what pops up way more often as security questions? Stuff that's more likely to be on your FB than a list of concerts. Relative's names, car make/model, pet names, etc.

The best way to listen to Dylan is to wait for a better singer to cover him.

Replace John Smith with Ice-T and you've got yourself a show