
'Scanners' has a great scary box. Though the movie ain't too shabby scary itself.

'Scanners' has a great scary box. Though the movie ain't too shabby scary itself.

Producer Barbara De Fina

In my afterschool program (I was in first grade), me and my friends acted out the entire story from 'Friday the 13th" — the first one — and I played Jason!  Little did I know what an important role I was playing.  At the time all I got to do was plead, "Help, mommie . . ." as I was drowning and then attack Alice in

One thing that's certain is that Danny McBride has had a dick in his mouth before.

One thing that's certain is that Danny McBride has had a dick in his mouth before.

My theory for all of this is that Tyler Perry IS a closeted homosexual — or even if it an open secret in Hollywood, that he MUST remain closeted to all his fans lest they abandon/reject him or his message — and so this "conservative act" and all his retro-grade views of women and gender roles serve as a beard, if you

My theory for all of this is that Tyler Perry IS a closeted homosexual — or even if it an open secret in Hollywood, that he MUST remain closeted to all his fans lest they abandon/reject him or his message — and so this "conservative act" and all his retro-grade views of women and gender roles serve as a beard, if you

I was laying on the couch while reading the end of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum," and as Poe describes the razor-edged pendulum swooping down close enough to slice the protagonist's chest (and, simultaneously, the ropes binding him to the table, thus freeing him), I distinctly remember my body violently

I was laying on the couch while reading the end of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum," and as Poe describes the razor-edged pendulum swooping down close enough to slice the protagonist's chest (and, simultaneously, the ropes binding him to the table, thus freeing him), I distinctly remember my body violently

Also saw it as a kid — the scene that gave me nightmares for weeks was when they go see the show with the white-faced, drunken magician, and he performs that trick with a girl from the audience, where it looks like he impales her through the heart with a wooden spike.  Of course, it turns out the girl was a plant and

Also saw it as a kid — the scene that gave me nightmares for weeks was when they go see the show with the white-faced, drunken magician, and he performs that trick with a girl from the audience, where it looks like he impales her through the heart with a wooden spike.  Of course, it turns out the girl was a plant and

I agree.  The "novella" was tight and brisk in its pulling the story to its end.  I like how King described the old man Gypsy's curse — the Gypsy walked up to the fat lawyer and touched his cheek, gently, as like that of a lover, when he whispered "Thinner."  Also, I remember toward the end, when the lawyer was so

I agree.  The "novella" was tight and brisk in its pulling the story to its end.  I like how King described the old man Gypsy's curse — the Gypsy walked up to the fat lawyer and touched his cheek, gently, as like that of a lover, when he whispered "Thinner."  Also, I remember toward the end, when the lawyer was so

I skimmed all the cynical and often BS comments that came before here, and didn't see anything or anyone saying what I felt about this episode, so here it goes:

I'm late to this discussion, but I really like this episode and wanted to write in with my thoughts.  First, I think it makes some sense that they nabbed Troi and only gave her info at the last minute.  Clearly, the Romulans believed that no one could know about this planned defection — probability of snitches or