I Am A Fugitive From A Lame Ga

If by 'meet' you mean 'bang' and by 'Capri' you mean 'my dick' and by 'did you' you mean 'ream' and 'Anderson' you mean 'terribly' and by 'yo' you mean 'bleached' then I totally forgot where I was going with this.

David Byrne baked me a cake once.

Holy Trilogy
When are Jimmy Smits, James Woods and James Spader going to star in a TV show about three guys who try to out-smarm each other in a room. Pick THAT up for another season NBC!

Whit in th' hyall izza goin' awn? Ah wahnt ma NPR! Dang big gummint done taked away my publickly fundered programmin! Ah likes ma Ira, ah likes ma Sarah Vowell. Wha cain't those thar pollytishins leave us good workin folks alone t' enjoy ower radjo? Dangit awl! Now I gotsta make nother contribution… Son! get

Freejack of course directed by New Zealander Geoff Murphy of New Zealand.

Come on kids, we want pictures! I can't tell what the story is about without some shape and color action ok?

Not a lot of photo action in the news today…. IS Google down?

Begging the Question
When is someone going to use 3D for a noble purpose and film Hermann Hesse's JOURNEY TO THE EAST? And while you're at it, creative types who marry lovely dark-haired tweeters, give us STEPPENWOLF too! Max von Sydow is still around! Get with it! Why oh why can people not adapt Hesse? I want to see

Ah, she doesn't work as a waitress does she? Might have some bad news for ye…

Oh to spend a night in the Aubrey Plaza… I hit on a waitress because she kinda looked like her. It went really well, but after round two I realised she wasn't Aubrey Plaza so was a gentleman about it at ended the arrangement by saying 'I'm sorry, I was thinking of Aubrey Plaza the whole time." She said 'Me

Casey Barteau
Casey Barteau?

Casey Barteau.

Casey Barteau.
Casey Barteau.

Casey Barteau.

FUCK. Way to fool and troll myself. I meant 'Two'.

Teo women and a miner?

The Show
This whole thing could turn Two and a Half men into the sharpest show on TV. A wide-ranging meta-comedy featuring Rob Lowe (who impressed in Parks and Recreation remember) with guest appearances by John Stamos, various people called Estevez and a half-man who is surely reaching the age where he's starting to

Boo hoo
It's my mom's fault I'm a droopy-eyed armless child. Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo….

Yeah it's OK, but it should have read…

RAF - I know, it's like Russian Roulette, but with hand lotion.