I Am A Fugitive From A Lame Ga

Hey G
Please don't "close" this deal Gwyneth.

YES! Hathaway on the recycler again!

I am going to miss Titus Andronicus playing The Replacements. This makes me very sad. I am in New Zealand. Guess I'll just have to be happy being an extra for Peter Jackson. Again…

I'm Still Here already did this didn't they?


Happy Sheen
I didn't see him play. I was too busy WINNING.

The AV Train
Too Much Good Friday
The Past Is A Grotesque Analogue
Chicago XXXIII
Win A Date With Tasha Robinson
The Any Key

I want the recycler thing to be more random. Always the same stuff. But Hathaway can HathaSTAY.

She seems fertile. I want to inseminate her and then others with similar attributes!

"They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworths, man. The greatest decade in the history of mankind is over. And, as Presuming Ed has so consistently pointed out, we have failed to paint it black."

Hey how about…
Why don't they make a movie about STANDING IN LINE? For all us ORDINARY JOES who go to Disneyland? Am I RIGHT PEOPLE? I mean, that's what you gotta do at Disneyland.. They should call it…… the WAITING KINGDOM! Am I RIGHT? It's like, all you do is STAND next to STRANGERS waiting to get on a RIDE with

Hey how about…
Why don't they make a movie about STANDING IN LINE? For all us ORDINARY JOES who go to Disneyland? Am I RIGHT PEOPLE? I mean, that's what you gotta do at Disneyland.. They should call it…… the WAITING KINGDOM! Am I RIGHT? It's like, all you do is STAND next to STRANGERS waiting to get on a RIDE with

OK New Zealand readers. Now is the time to make yourselves known. I'm a New Zealander. Who else? Eh?

There will be

sarC Castro, it's my initial. My full name is An Actor. I should have put a stop after it. Apologies.

Dr Mr Tarantino
Hi, where do I audition? I am good at doing acting and like your films, even the one where it was in that hotel and the chick from Cybill was there at the start and Tim Englishman was in it too. What happened to him? Anyway, yours sincerely,

Brolin Birth
Does anyone else think that pic looks like RKO is giving birth to Josh Brolin? Of course, we know that's not the case, as Brolin's mother is Babs Streisand.

Of course, they got the idea from the Grammys merging spoken word with soul and barbershop.

An Excuse To Rip On Steven Tyler
I have never been able to take Aerosmith seriously. At school there was this dude who dug all their albums, had the Pandora's Box set (ooo, nice name) and all that. Before that his favourite band was Queen. Then I ran into him a couple of years out of school and he said "Aerosmith is

Yeah you like that wouldn't you you gold digging bitch? Niggaz be all cut up down there and not ballin' no more bcoz of gold digging bitches and —- baby where you goin'? Oh shit I messed up this negress. Baby why you always sick in the MAWnin'? I'm a- I'm a-let you throw up but baby you gotta know I a ballin' nigga